- Anthony Lazaro Cold 歌詞
- Anthony Lazaro
Be careful child Never play with fire 小心一點,孩子 Your mama said these words 別玩火自焚 Oh so many times 你媽媽肯定警告過你
不下一萬遍了吧 Thinking you knew better than the other guys Riding on backbiting and get away with lies 咱們肯定比別人家的小孩聰明
人後出言不遜總能誇誇其談擺脫麻煩 No matter what it takes or who is gonna cry The only thing that matters is you get what you desire 千方百計不理會別人的感受
為了自己想得到的不惜一切代價 But I know for sure the day will come When you first realize what you have done 但是我清楚終會有那麼一天 And you finally get your debt repaid 當你對自己的罪行幡然醒悟 And revenge is served on a cold plate 欠下的賬要盡數還清
咎由自取自討苦吃 And you 'll hear the roar of the showdown When the world will stop without a sound 你會聽見一陣轟鳴世界向你攤牌 And the moment you will cry for help 悄無聲息中人們會停止容忍你的過錯 They will only think about themselves 等到那時你再呼救
人們只會置若罔聞 The first time that I met you, I thought you looked so sweet 我第一次遇見你時 I should have run for the hills beating a retreat 你天真爛漫懵懂無知 When I heard you talking with that alluring sound 我當時真該就此一走了之 Should have recalled the sirens 當我聽到你稚嫩的甜言蜜語 and how that things went down 就應該想起塞壬(古希臘神話中半人半鳥或半人半魚的女海妖,以美妙歌聲誘使航海者駛向礁石或進入危險水域)
以及那神話是如何沉沒的 Living on the trenches, looking for a way to escape 我屈身戰壕中進退維谷 You would always cut me down, 卻也在找尋逃脫的方向 like the trimmers with the grapes 你該勸我懸崖勒馬 Never mind how I tried to leave you behind 修剪我失控的枝葉 I kept falling in your net, 無數次嘗試過逃離你的控制 oh I have been so blind 最終都會自投羅網
我怎麼如此糊塗渾渾噩噩 ButI know for sure the day will come When you first realize what have you done 但是我清楚終會有那麼一天 And you finally get your debt repaid 當你對自己的罪行幡然醒悟 And revenge is served on a cold plate 欠下的賬要盡數還清
咎由自取自討苦吃 And you'll hear the roar of the showdown When the world will stop without a sound 你會聽見一陣轟鳴世界向你攤牌 And the moment you will cry for help 悄無聲息中人們會停止容忍你的過錯 They will only think about themselves 等到那時你再呼救
人們只會置若罔聞 But I know for sure the day will come When you first realize what have you done 但是我清楚終會有那麼一天 And you finally get your debt repaid 當你對自己的罪行幡然醒悟 And revenge is served on a cold plate 欠下的賬要盡數還清