- You are the best in my mind
I really don't wanna say bye bye You are my spring summer autumn and winter I really want you , my dream girl We play on high , and we gotta dirty night Just wait more time , I can make you fly Believe me , trust me , you so phuking fantastic Believe me , trust me , you so phuking fantastic You so phuking fantastic You so phuking fantastic 你知道嗎在夜晚每一刻 我都會想像你是只能屬於我的那一個 你的眉宇你的眼眸都如此清澈 點燃了我心底的那片星火 那片星火已經可以燎原 燒掉不符實際的壯志跟豪言 滿心歡喜的翩翩少年 正渴望成為你眼中的焦點 一步一步關注過程進度 靜候permission准許進入 懵懂和年少輕狂已經被我禁錮 許諾和信任是我們交換的信物 行動還是等待打破現狀還是忍耐 最最寶貝你的青睞 不管怎樣我都一直會在 You are the best in my mind I really don't wanna say bye bye You are my spring summer autumn and winter I really want you , my dream girl We play on high , and we gotta dirty night Just wait more time , I can make you fly Believe me , trust me , you so phuking fantastic Believe me , trust me , you so phuking fantastic You so phuking fantastic You so phuking fantastic 黑色的天鵝絨撒上滿天繁星 你的瞳孔就像紫水晶那樣晶瑩 都是形影單只一生懸命 要不要來跟我一起飛行 陪你上天入地登上山巔歸故里 慢慢了解熟悉請給我一點鼓勵 說實話你的愛答不理其實有點過分 一時毫無進展讓我有點鬱悶 既然發動了最強攻勢 又怎能兩手空空脫了身 You are the best in my mind I really don't wanna say bye bye You are my spring summer autumn and winter I really want you , my dream girl We play on high , and we gotta dirty night Just wait more time , I can make you fly Believe me , trust me , you so phuking fantastic Believe me , trust me , you so phuking fantastic You so phuking fantastic You so phuking fantastic 空氣中的甜度慢慢升高我安靜的看著你笑 對你的感覺你也知道我絕對不是胡鬧 粉色的煙霧在空中縈繞來聽聽我的心跳 柔軟又或是熱烈的情調都具備不會遲到 baby can you feel that baby can you feel me Baby can you feel that I wanna be your maybe Baby can you feel that baby can you feel me I wanna be your sweety Baby 我喜歡你