- King Krule energy fleets 歌詞
- King Krule
你要去哪裡 Where are you goin'? 馬上就是新的一天了 The day's about to end 我自導自演的可笑一生 It's such a funny life I lead 濕漉漉地坐在地上 I sit in soaking in the tiles 我在流血 I bleed 看著你從我體內溜走 Watch you flow right out of me 為什麼在快翻頁時合上書本 Why stop reading when the page is about to turn? 我現在的生活真是可笑 It's such a funny life I lead 我無時不刻想著這可笑的日子 I think about it all the time 我知道了 I see 如果有人告訴我生活變得更糟了我會選擇不信 If someone told me, 'It gets worse,' I'd disbelieve 因為我將飄洋過海四處求醫 For I'd be overseas, curing disease 但這現在已成為我生活的一部分 But now it's part of me 我的人生真是太可悲了
如此可笑的一生 It's such a fxckin' life I lead 如此可笑的一生 Such a funny life 如此可悲的 Such a funny life 滑稽的 It's such a funny life 可笑的 It's such a funny life 我的人生 It's such a funny life 我可笑的一生 (Such a funny life) (Such a, such a funny life)