- legacy 歌詞 Elektronomia Charlie Chaplin
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- Charlie Chaplin legacy 歌詞
- Elektronomia Charlie Chaplin
- Im sorry, but I dont want to be an emperor
我很抱歉,但我不想成為什麼皇帝 Thats not my business 那不是我該做的事情 I dont want to rule or conquer anyone 我不願統治或征服任何人 I should like to help everyone if possible 如果可能,我只想幫助每個人 Jew, Gentile, black man, white 那些猶太人,非猶太人,黑人和白人 We all want to help one another 我們要彼此幫助 Human beings are like that 因為人類本該如此 We want to live by each others happiness 我們為幸福的生活而戰 Not by each others misery 而不是終生被禁錮於痛苦的囚籠 We dont want to hate and despise one another 我們不希望彼此憎恨 In this world there is room for everyone 在這個世界上,人人都有足夠的生存空間 And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone 土地肥沃而富足,能夠養活每一位子民 The way of life can be free and beautiful 生活,本能夠是自由且美好的 But we have lost the way 但我們卻迷失了方向 Greed has poisoned mens souls 貪婪侵蝕了人類的靈魂 Has barricaded the world with hate 用憎恨阻隔了世界 Has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed 我們一步步走向了血腥 We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in 我們飛速發展著,但同時又自我封閉著 Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want 在工業時代,我們物慾橫流 Our knowledge has made us cynical 我們的知識讓我們玩世不恭, Our cleverness, hard and unkind 我們的智慧,讓我們冷酷無情 We think too much and feel too little 我們考慮得太多,卻對人性思考得過少 More than machinery, we need humanity 我們早已忘卻,人性比機器更重要 More than cleverness , we need kindness and gentleness 仁慈和禮貌,比智慧更重要 Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost 沒有這些品格,我們的生活將充斥著暴力,一切不復存在
上帝的國度就在人間 The kingdom of God is within man 不在某個人或某個小集體之間,而是在所有人之間! Not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! 就在你們之中!你們有能力 In you! You, the people, have the power 有能力去創造機器 The power to create machines 也有能力去締造幸福! The power to create happiness! 你們,有能力 You, the people, have the power 把生活,塗裝得自由而美好 To make this life free and beautiful 把生活,改造成一場多彩的冒險 To make this life a wonderful adventure 就讓我們以民主的名義 Then in the name of democracy 來使用這些能力吧,讓我們聯合起來 Let us use that power, let us all unite 為創造一個全新的世界而戰鬥 Let us fight for a new world 在這個世界,人人都將安居樂業 A decent world that will give men a chance to work 給予青年人光明的前途,給予長者溫馨的關懷 That will give youth a future and old age a security 那些傢伙對我們承諾過的 By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power 全都是謊言! But they lie! 他們並沒能實現他們的諾言 They do not fulfill that promise 永遠都不會! They never will! 獨裁者使自己享受自由,卻奴役了無數自由的生靈 Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people 現在,讓我們為實現那個諾言而鬥爭吧! Now let us fight to fulfill that promise 讓我們為了自由的世界而戰鬥 Let us fight to free the world! 為了廢除國界而戰 To do away with national barriers ! 為了驅除貪婪,憎恨與狹隘而戰 To do away with greed, with hate and intolerance! 讓我們為自由的世界而鬥爭 Let us fight for a world of reason 一個科學和進步將會帶領全民族創造幸福的世界 A world where science and progress will lead to all mens happiness 戰士們,以民主的名義,讓我們團結起來! Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite!