- kiya 不是情歌 歌詞
- kiya
- 時針滴答滴talk with each other
我們不知疲倦 黑夜里紅著眼圈音樂不斷 溫暖又孤獨 苦澀又甜蜜這感覺 iguess 像是個定時炸彈 手足無措等待你的消息 iknow im done 捉迷藏是小孩子的遊戲 我們卻都笑瘋了 躲在黑暗的角落裡 奇怪的氛圍is no doubt I almost lost my mind I feel so suffocating let's get out get out get out get out get out rightnow let's get out get out get out get out get out rightnow get out get out get out get out get out rightnow I remember the way you walked in you make me so nervous that night 眼神裡的煙火氣把我迷住 隱藏的憂鬱像在迷路 和你對視的每個瞬間 我都覺得自己好像是在觸電 偶然一個不經意的抬頭 godamn goddamn godamn 從來沒有想過自己主動出擊 也沒想過那些不實際的面子 開門見山的性子讓我如此真實 可能你真的不懂我的躁動 可能你早就懂了只是在裝糊塗 你那麼聰明選擇忽視我的無助 所以告訴自己還是早點睡 就算熬再晚的夜也等不到你回复
時針滴答滴talk with each other 我們不知疲倦 黑夜里紅著眼圈音樂不斷 溫暖又孤獨 苦澀又甜蜜這感覺 iguess 像是個定時炸彈 手足無措等待你的消息 iknow im done 捉迷藏是小孩子的遊戲 我們卻都笑瘋了 躲在黑暗的角落裡 奇怪的氛圍is no doubt I almost lost my mind I feel so suffocating let's get out get out get out get out get out rightnow let's get out get out get out get out get out rightnow get out get out get out get out get out rightnow That's right. that's right. you're right. you're right. That's right. that's right. you're right. you 're right. 不是因為需要才相處 如果這樣我情願孤獨 永遠都渴望心動 那一瞬間心臟咚咚咚 從來不隨便 對他們say nonono 孤獨可以清晰指引 讓我覺得自己活著 wake up wake up it's not real wake up wake up it's not real wake up wake up it's not real he won't come let it go! let‘s get out get out get out get out get out rightnow let‘s get out get out get out get out get out rightnow get out get out get out get out get out rightnow let's get out get out get out get out get out rightnow let's get out get out get out get out get out rightnow get out get out get out get out get out rightnow