- wae 餵 歌詞
- LEE A wae
- mix by provoke
wow girl u r the pretty angle fly me to the sky(你帶我進入夢境) u seem to be running into my mind(你已經悄悄溜進我的意識中) my life broke up but I can smile only as long as u sleeping by my side(即使生活很操蛋有你在枕邊便能安心入睡) 我喜歡用指尖勾勒你耳朵形狀 喜歡你瞇著眼睛凝視我的模樣 when we kiss,your nose slide across my cheek(當你親吻我時,你的鼻尖劃過我的臉頰) when i make you unhappy,forget it quick(當我使你苦惱盡快忘記吧) like a fish yarning for the sea(像是魚兒嚮往大海) like a bird yarning for the sky(像是鳥兒嚮往天空) like a sneaker gets a **** shoes(像一個球鞋愛好者獲得一雙牛逼的球鞋) when I find u I find my own book(當我在人群中找到你像是找到了我專屬的書) like a fish yarning for the sea(像是魚兒嚮往大海) like a bird yarning for the sky(像是鳥兒嚮往天空) like a sneaker gets a **** shoes(像一個球鞋愛好者獲得一雙牛逼的球鞋) when I find u I find my own book(當我在人群中找到你像是找到了我專屬的書) wow girl u r the pretty angle fly me to the sky(你帶我進入夢境) u seem to be running into my mind(你已經悄悄溜進我的意識中) my life broke up but I can smile only as long as u sleeping by my side(即使生活很操蛋有你在枕邊便能安心入睡) 我是刺猬I don't want u to be hurt I need redemption please take me to church 你讓時針飛速的轉動 我只想讓時間停在這一刻鐘 隨時都不會待機 沒有人能夠代替 我能夠準確的點出你手臂上的胎記 你真的super **** 香水配冰鎮的coke 如果我名字是jack 那你一定是rose 和你在車上玩乒乒乓乓 你的妝容總是滿目琳瑯 所有喜好全tatoo在心上 建立你和我的烏托城邦 I know u ready like I do(你和我都已經準備好了) I want to hold u on the moon(想在月球上與你相擁) just give me all u have x3 wow girl u r the pretty angle fly me to the sky(你帶我進入夢境) u seem to be running into my mind(你已經悄悄溜進我的意識中) my life broke up but I can smile only as long as u sleeping by my side(即使生活很操蛋有你在枕邊便能安心入睡)