- Enya My! My! Time Flies! 歌詞
- Enya
哦! 時間飛逝! 剛踏出一步我們就抵達月球 My! My! Time flies! One step and were on the moon 下一步讓我們探索星群 Next step into the stars 哦! 時間飛逝! 也許很快我們就抵達目的地 My! My! Time flies! Maybe we could be there soon 一張前往火星的車票 A one way ticket to mars 哦! 時光流逝! 有個男人靜臥在樹下
一顆蘋果落在他的頭上 My! My! Time flies! A man underneath a tree 哦! 時光流逝! 這個男人寫下一篇交響曲 An apple falls on his head 在1812那年 My my time flies a man wrote a symphony Its 1812 Da da-de-da da da da-de-da Da da-de-da day Da da-de-da da da da-de-da 哦! 時光飛逝! 四個傢伙穿過修道院的路 Da da-de-da day 其中一個忘記把鞋子穿上 My! My! Time flies! Four guys across Abbey Road 哦! 時光飛逝! 狂想曲裡的一段節奏 One forgot to wear shoes 國王仍出現在新聞的聚焦中 My! My! Time flies! A rap on a rhapsody 國王唱著悲傷的旋律 A king whos still in the news A king to sing you the blues
Da da-de-da da da da-de-da Da da-de-da day 哦! 時光飛逝! 一個男人坐在冬季雪橇上 Da da-de-da da da da-de-da 潔白如銀雪 Da da-de-da day 哦! 時光飛逝!新的一天即將來臨 My! My! Time flies! A man in a winter sleigh 所以請讓昨天離去 White white white as the snow 也許我們會踏出新的一步 My! My! Time flies! A new day is on its way 也許又是嶄新的一天但在此之後 So lets let yesterday go 2010馬上到來
Could be we step out again Could be tomorrow, but then Could be 2010