- The Oh Hellos In Memoriam 歌詞
- The Oh Hellos
- Well it's a long way out to reach the sea
還要走很長的路才能到達大海 But I'm sure I'll find you waitin' there for me 但我肯定會找到你的 And by the time I blink I'll see your wild arms swingin' 當我眨眼的時候, 我會看到你盪著狂野的雙臂 just to meet me in the middle of the road 只是為了在路中央遇見我 And you'll hold me like you'll never let me go 你會抱著我, 就像你永遠不會讓我離開 And beside the salty water I could hold you close 在鹹水的旁邊,我可以緊緊的抱著你 But you are far too beautiful to love me 但你太美了, 不能愛我
在塵土飛揚的山上長途旅行 Well it's a long haul up the dusty mountain 我會造一個足夠高的砲塔讓你離開 I'll build a turret tall enough to keep you out 但當你對愛慕你的人發動戰爭時 But when you wage your wars against the one who adores you 你將會永遠不會知道你所擁有得財富 Then you'll never know the treasure that you're worth 但我以前從來都不是富裕之人 But I've never been a wealthy one before 我的口袋裡有幾個窟窿,是說謊者的金子燒的 I've got holes in my pockets burned by liars' gold 我想我太窮了,你並不需要我 And I think I'm far too poor for you to want me 這是一個漫長的道路,失去了我擁有的一切
你不知道你擁有什麼直到你離去 It's been a long road losing all I 've owned 這是一個壞習慣花完你所擁有的一切 You don't know what you've got 'til you're gone 但是你在做這一切之前離開 And it's a nasty habit spending all you have 那麼你的愛永遠不會消失 But if you're doing all the leaving 如果你一切開始之前離開的話,那就從來沒有愛可言 Then it's never your love lost 天知道我很容易離開我本該愛的唯一的上帝 And if you leave before the start then there was never love at all 但你太美了, 不能離開我 And heaven knows I'm prone to leave the only God I should have loved Yet you're far too beautiful to leave me