- Sinéad Harnett High Wire 歌詞
- Sinéad Harnett
珍貴的慢動作,朦朧中擁著你的軀體 Golden slow motion, I hold your body in the clouds 靜寂中保持的平衡,卻有狂風勁吼 Balanced in silence, the wind crying out so loud 我在你的愛中屢屢跌跤 I keep tripping on your love 你想再高一點(再迷幻一點) You wanna take it higher 對我來說已經夠受了 For me it's just too much 哦,我在你的愛中屢屢跌跤 O-o-oh, I keep tripping on your love 你能支撐我多久 How long can you hold me up? 我們在高空鋼絲上起舞 We're dancing on the high wire 你深深印在我眼眸上 And you 're locked into my eyes 注意不到我們位於雲霄 Didn't notice that we got so high 在高空鋼絲上翩躚 Dancing on the high wire 愛都要溜走了 Gonna take love away 想回到正軌, 我卻做不了什麼 And there's nothing I can do to make it right 我要讓你摔下去了 I' m gonna make you fall, fall 一旦我向下一望 The second that I look down 你就會粉身碎骨 I will make you fall, fall 一旦我向下一望 The second that I look down 消失的情感,我知道你在假裝 Stolen emotions, I know that I'm pretending now 太晚了,沒有退路,我只看到了一個出口 Too late, there's no escape, I only see one way out 我在你的愛中屢屢跌跤 I keep tripping on your love 你想再高一點(再迷幻一點) You wanna take it higher 對我來說已經夠受了 For me it's just too much 哦,我在你的愛中屢屢跌跤 O-o-oh, I keep tripping on your love 你能支撐我多久 How long can you hold me up? 我們在高空鋼絲上起舞 We're dancing on the high wire 你深深印在我眼眸上 And you're locked into my eyes 注意不到我們位於雲霄 Didn't notice that we got so high 在高空鋼絲上翩躚 Dancing on the high wire 愛都要溜走了 Gonna take love away 想回到正軌, 我卻做不了什麼 And there's nothing I can do to make it right 我要讓你摔下去了 I'm gonna make you fall, fall 一旦我向下一望 The second that I look down 你就會粉身碎骨 I will make you fall, fall 一旦我向下一望 The second that I look down 但願我能相信,但我們都知道 Wish I could believe it, but we both know 我情難自控,我情不自禁 I can't help myself, I can't help myself 一陣風起,我將失去平衡 Gonna lose my balance when the wind blows 你還是保護自己吧,大難臨頭各自飛 You better save yourself, save yourself 我們在高空鋼絲上起舞
你深深印在我眼眸上 We're dancing on the high wire 注意不到我們位於雲霄 And you're locked into my eyes 在高空鋼絲上翩躚 Didn't notice that we got so high 愛都要溜走了 Dancing on the high wire 想回到正軌, 我卻做不了什麼 Gonna take love away 我要讓你摔下去了 And there's nothing I can do to make it right 一旦我向下一望 I'm gonna make you fall, fall 你就會粉身碎骨 The second that I look down 不過是下看一秒 I will make you fall, fall The second that I look down