- Unknown Brain Stay the Same 歌詞
- Unknown Brain
- Distance keeping us way too far apart
我們分離隔閡,心各一方。 Every time I get too close I fall apart 愈是靠近,愈是遍體鱗傷。 You have changed for the better 你另有新歡, You dont want to stay sleeping in my head 淡忘與我的溫存, While you made up your side of the bed 始亂終棄,見異思遷。 I never said it was forever 愛情永恆,不過夢幻泡影。 No, you dont need me no more 我不過是你玩膩的小貓, So you keep on moving on 你丟下我繼續找尋新的獵物。 Youll be okay 你置身事外, And Ill remain 我卻無法釋懷。 While I 因為我, While I 因為我對你, Stay the same 魂牽夢縈。
日思夜夢 Stay the same
我對你仍魂牽夢縈。 Oh, oh, oh 我試圖舔舐傷口,對你置若罔聞 Stay the same, Im gonna forget the pain dont wanna know 卻深陷泥潭,無法自拔。 Oh, oh, oh Looking in all the wrong directions 是我太執迷不悟, Oh, oh, oh 也不過是想掙脫與你的糾纏 Stay the same, Im gonna forget the pain dont wanna know 覆水難收,你再無法得到我, Oh, oh, oh 我已置之度外,情斷意絕, You cant find it where you lost it 只是心中百味雜陳,紛亂如麻。 Thousand miles away on a different star 我該如何振作起來,收之桑榆。 Counting all the colors painted on my heart 你我不再天造地設, How do I get better? 絞盡腦汁將你從思緒中剔除, No more you and I in reality 啊,那不是花瓣,是我凋零的心。 Tried to wipe you out of every fantasy 你輕踏落紅而去, We cant start again together 指尖早已另嗅芬芳。 You dont need me no more 你仍花前月下, So you keep on moving on 我卻難以釋懷 Youll be okay 因為我 And Ill remain 因為我對你 While I 魂牽夢縈 While I Stay the same 魂牽夢縈 Oh, oh Stay the same Oh, oh 魂牽夢縈 Oh, oh Stay the same 魂牽夢縈 Oh, oh 日思夜夢 Stay the same Stay the same Oh, oh