- Asia D Fir 歌詞
- HALO Lewon Asia D
- 編曲: Halo/Lewon
灰燼瀰漫 The ash is falling 我在那些冷杉樹後面看到了你的臉 I saw your face behind those fir trees 月光下的清冷 Cold light from the moonshine 跟隨你的指引進入這片金色的雨中 Follow your lead into the golden rain 風聲在四周輕聲低吟
告訴我,你就是我的愛人 Wind is whispering all the way around 驚鴻一瞥,我讀懂了我們所有的過去 Saying you are the one l love 喚醒我
告訴我該去哪兒 Glimpse of your eyes l read all of our past 告訴我,何去何從 Waking me up 灰燼瀰漫 Telling me where should l go 我在那些冷杉樹後面看到了你的臉 Where should I go 月光下的清冷
跟隨你的指引進入這片金色的雨中 The ash is falling 風聲在四周輕聲低吟 I saw your face behind those fir trees 告訴我,你就是我的愛人 Cold light from the moonshine 驚鴻一瞥,我讀懂了我們所有的過去 Follow your lead into the golden rain 喚醒我
告訴我該去哪兒 Wind is whispering all the way around Saying you are the one l love
Glimpse of your eyes l read all of our past Waking me up Telling me where should l go undefined
人聲: Asia D 錄音: 孫少天@錄頂技Studio 混音: Halo 母帶工程: Halo