- Elton John Amoreena 歌詞
- Elton John
- Lately I've been thinkin'
最近我輾轉反側 How much I miss my lady 我竟如此想念我的女孩 Amoreena's in a cornfield 我親愛的阿莫琳娜她就在玉米地中 Brightenin' the daybreak 與晨曦互相輝映 Livin' like a lusty flower 如繁花般綻放 Runnin' through the grass for hours 時而穿梭在草地中久久不停歇 Rollin' through the hay oh 時而翻滾在雜草堆上不願休憩 Like a puppy child 猶如長不大的頑童 And when it rains the rain falls down 當大雨傾盆而下 Washin' out the cattle town 將這小鎮沖刷至煥然一新 And she's far away somewhere 她卻早已背井離鄉 In her eiderdown 仍帶著舊時的軟被 And she dreams of crystal streams 女孩的夢裡是那條潺潺的溪流 Of days gone by when we would lean 帶著我們共同擁有的記憶 Laughing fit to burst upon each other 嬉笑著打鬧著倚靠著 I can see you sittin' 我依稀看見你 Eatin' apples in the evenin' 在月光下吃著蘋果 Fruit juice flowin' slowly slowly slowly 果汁繾綣在你的嘴角 Down the bronze of your body 順著你的輪廓流下 Livin' like a lusty flower 如繁花般綻放 Runnin' through the grass for hours 時而穿梭在草地中久久不停歇 Rollin' through the hay oh 時而翻滾在雜草堆上不願休憩 Like a puppy child 猶如長不大的頑童 And when it rains the rain falls down 當大雨傾盆而下 Washin' out the cattle town 將這小鎮沖刷至煥然一新 And she's far away somewhere 她卻早已背井離鄉 In her eiderdown 仍帶著舊時的軟被 And she dreams of crystal streams 女孩的夢裡是那條潺潺的溪流 Of days gone by when we would lean 帶著我們共同擁有的記憶 Laughing fit to burst upon each other 嬉笑著打鬧著倚靠著 Oh if only I could nestle 但願我可以與你 In the cradle of your cabin 依偎在你的小木屋中 My arm's around your shoulder oh 我的臂膀環繞著你 The window wide and open 敞開窗子微風拂過 While the swallow and the sycamore whoa 當鳥兒與梧桐樹 Are playin' in the valley 在山谷中你追我趕 Oh I miss you Amoreena 我竟如此想念你阿莫琳娜 Like the king bee misses honey 正如蜂王惦記著蜂蜜 And when it rains the rain falls down 當大雨傾盆而下 Washin' out the cattle town 將這小鎮沖刷至煥然一新 And she's far away somewhere 她卻早已背井離鄉 In her eiderdown 仍帶著舊時的軟被 And she dreams of crystal streams 女孩的夢裡是那條潺潺的溪流 Of days gone by when we would lean 帶著我們共同擁有的記憶 Laughing fit to burst upon each other 嬉笑著打鬧著倚靠著 Lately I've been thinkin' 最近我輾轉反側 How much I miss my lady 我竟如此想念我的女孩 Amoreena's in a cornfield 我親愛的阿莫琳娜她就在玉米地中 Brightenin' the daybreak 與晨曦互相輝映 Livin' like a lusty flower 如繁花般綻放 Runnin' through the grass for hours 時而穿梭在草地中久久不停歇 Rollin' through the hay oh 時而翻滾在雜草堆上不願休憩 Like a puppy like a puppy child 猶如長不大的頑童