- These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are
沒有之前的經歷,就沒有現在的我們! We're motivated by the scars that we're made of 負傷越多,就越勇往直前 These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 是我們的經歷造就了今天的我們 We take our places in the dark 黑暗中我們各就各位 And turn our hearts to the stars 每一顆心都向著遠方的星辰 Hear me from the bottom 我從谷底發出咆哮 Forged in regret, I'm the silversmith 以過去的遺憾鑄就前進的階梯 Doomsday, you had it coming 末日裹挾著一切 Marching the streets with an iron fist 用鐵拳在每一條街道上開路 Obey no more in silence 我們絕不會再沉默地服從 The steel in our hearts will be monuments 心中鋼鐵般的意志將成為永恆的紀念 Today, they'll hear the violence 今天,他們將嚐到暴力的苦果 We'll rise from the dark like Lazarus 我們將像拉撒路一樣異軍突起(拉撒路是聖經中的死而復生者) These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 沒有之前的經歷,就沒有現在的我們! We're motivated by the scars that we're made of 負傷越多,就越勇往直前 These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 是我們的經歷造就了今天的我們 We take our places in the dark 黑暗中我們各就各位 And turn our hearts to the stars 每一顆心都向著遠方的星辰 The ending won 't be forgotten 這場行動的結局將被永世銘記 It's written in the stars and the hieroglyphs 化為星光,成為符號與象徵 Sending the lionhearted 勇士已經出征 The stones break bones 硬碰硬不會有好結果 But we're venomous 但我們會更加狠毒 These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 因為之前的經歷造就了我們 We're motivated by the scars that we're made of 負傷越多,就越勇往直前 These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 閱歷支持著我們走到今天 We take our places in the dark 黑暗中我們各就各位 And turn our hearts to the stars 每一顆心都向著遠方的星辰 Calling, calling 不斷呼喚 We've come out to play 我們已開始衝鋒 Show me, show me 露出鋒芒吧 A new way 還有新的戰術 Slowly, slowly 但不知不覺 You've led you astray 你已誤入歧途 Away we go now 我們現在就出發 Into the fray 向戰場進軍 These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 沒有之前的經歷,就沒有現在的我們! We're motivated by the scars that we're made of 負傷越多,就越勇往直前 These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are 是我們的經歷造就了今天的我們 We take our places in the dark 黑暗中我們各就各位 And turn our hearts to the stars 每一顆心都向著遠方的星辰 Step forward for synchronization 請繼續以完成同步 Please select an item to be printed 請選擇要熔鑄的物體 You do not have access to that item 您沒有權限訪問此物體 Do you wish to proceed? 您希望繼續嗎? You have 3027 credits, please select 您現在有3027分,請選擇 You do not have access to that item 您沒有權限訪問此物體 Do you... 您... You do not have access to that item 您沒有權限訪問此物體 Do you... 您... Please exit the platform 請立即退出平台! Please exit the platform 請立即退出平台! Please ex... 請...