- TYSM Ghost White Dress 歌詞
- Don't let me in
請別讓我進來 Wanna let me in 但我想要進來 I cannot stop it 恕我情不自禁 I might push you into your coffin 我可能會把你推入你的棺材 At the funeral, laying in your coffin in my ghost white dress 在葬禮上,躺在你的棺材裡,身著我的鬼白色禮服 Don't let me in 請別讓我進來 Wanna let me in 但我想要進來 I cannot stop it 恕我情不自禁 I might push you into your coffin 我可能會把你推入你的棺材裡 At the funeral, laying in your coffin in my ghost white dress 在葬禮上,躺在你的棺材裡,身著我的鬼白色禮服 I'm haunted 我為幽靈縹緲 I'm haunted 我被鬼魅附身 I'm haunted in my ghost white dress 於一襲白色靈服中鬧鬼 I'm haunted 我為幽靈縹緲 I'm haunted 我被鬼魅附身 I'm haunted in my ghost white dress 於一襲白色靈服中鬧鬼 So what you're waiting for? 所以你在等待什麼呢? I'm knocking on your door 我正扣響你的門 On you like aquaphor 在你所喜愛的凡士林油上 With your hands around my throat 用你的雙手環繞我喉嚨 I'm like your liquor store 我就像是一所 A 5th of Southern Co' 在第五次發送呼叫的商店 I 'll keep you comfortable 我會讓你舒舒服服的 With your hands around my throat 用你的雙手環繞我的喉嚨 You hold the knife, my samurai 你持著小刀,我的武士 Your sacrifice 你壯烈犧牲 Down to the floor, a civil war 走下樓去,內戰爆發 My persona 我的偽裝能否苟存? Don't let me in 不要讓我進來 Wanna let me in 但我想要進來 I cannot stop it 恕我情不自禁 I might push you into your coffin 我可能會把你推入你的棺材裡 At the funeral, laying in your coffin in my ghost white dress 在葬禮上,躺在你的棺材裡,身著我的鬼白色禮服 Don't let me in 不要讓我進來 Wanna let me in 但我想要進來 I cannot stop it 恕我情不自禁 I might push you into your coffin 我可能會把你推入你的棺材裡 At the funeral, laying in your coffin in my ghost white dress 在葬禮上,躺在你的棺材裡,身著我的鬼白色禮服 I'm haunted 我為幽靈縹緲 I'm haunted 我被鬼魅附身 I'm haunted in my ghost white dress 於一襲白色靈服中鬧鬼 I'm haunted 我為幽靈縹緲 I'm haunted 我被鬼魅附身 I'm haunted in my ghost white dress 於一襲白色靈服中鬧鬼 Tastes like a lollypop 嘗起來像是一支棒棒糖 You' re like a sugar rush 你似一場甜蜜衝擊 I wanna break you off 我想要佔有你 With my hands around your throat 用我的雙手環繞你的喉嚨 I'll miss you when you're gone 當你離開時我會心系千里 I'll leave you in the lawn 我會把你留在草地上 My triple hexagon 我的三重六邊形 With my hands around your throat 用我的雙手環繞你的喉嚨 You hold the knife, my samurai 你持著小刀,我的武士 Your sacrifice 你壯烈犧牲 Down to the floor, a civil war 走下樓去,內戰爆發 My persona 我的偽裝尚還無損