- Aether趙悅凌 UTOPIA 歌詞
- Aether趙悅凌
mixed by Yao ZC Part1 Drown in Utopia got me drowning 深陷虛無縹緲的烏托邦無法自拔 After me the flood, though heart is clouded (Après moi, le déluge.) 以我為名,身後之事,又有何干 mix my soul with 808 and drum kits 沉浸於鍾鳴鼓樂,煩憂皆拋於腦後 I dont give a damn about this dumb shit 我亦無欲無求無牽無掛 Fame, seek fo fame and gain. I aint pay for it 名利,權欲,均非吾所慕 ALl I pray is luv, thats my promises 為愛而生,為此起誓 Till I want no more build me a communist 何謂違心? 唯心? 不知。衷於唯物主義。 Life is full of challenges, to the top to prominent 平步青雲,一步登頂 別埋著頭走初心都快被偷走 Just keep ya head up man like peter pan 抬頭挺胸,傲視群雄 何不得過且過 順風逆流都接受 讓靈感和機遇邂逅 一飲而盡即解愁 Pile dem all in money bag 賬本上的明細詮釋了這一切 yee 若不付出只懂索取 莫嘆日暮途窮時不我予 Stucked in my dreamland Utopia 沉浸於夢鄉烏托邦 Language use the rise of isolated city, hearts Already full of pain 所見之處,卻滿目瘡痍,所到之處,卻傷痕累累 繼續往前走,悅凌,還沒攏 Bout to back to throne ye on my own 夜未央,天未亮,路未止,新王將登基 just let me be indulge in my daydream 便讓我沉浸於夢鄉烏托邦 不如以退為進 把執念燒成了灰燼 擦拭掉那淚印 Drown in Utopia got me drowning 深陷虛無縹緲的烏托邦無法自拔 After me the flood, though heart is clouded (Après moi, le déluge.) 以我為名,身後之事,又有何干 mix my soul with 808 and drum kits 沉浸於鍾鳴鼓樂,煩憂皆拋於腦後 I dont give a damn about this dumb shit 我亦無欲無求無牽無掛 fame, seek fo fame and gain. I aint pay for it 名利,權欲,均非吾所慕 All I pray is luv, thats my promises 為愛而生,為此起誓 Till I want no more build me a communist 何謂違心? 唯心? 不知。衷於唯物主義。 Life is full of challenges, to the top to prominent 平步青雲,一步登頂 想法很多 遺憾是衝突於現實 做不完整的歌 反而在不停地填詞 生來就是一塊璞玉但暫時只委曲求全當顆岩石 總有天被磨得無欲無求方能端放下心中的 偏執 沉浸在虛緲的烏托邦 天賦被耗散在'書桌上' 不復提過往曾負的傷 誰云我痛飲三碗不過崗 待我收起陳舊的行囊 出發地便是身後的錦江 願為昔日溫酒的雲長 大展身手在荊襄 Part2 Pursuing my utopian dream 烏托邦。沉醉。驚醒。輾轉反側。 Drowning 夢沉,幻滅。 Drowning 夢醒,幻現。 趙悅凌 趙悅凌 Get low 孑然一身矗立於汪洋一片 Standing in the ocean 茫茫然 I dont know 何為“術” I dont know 孑然一身矗立於凌峰之巔 Standing in the ocean 吾不知 I dont know 往哪兒走 Where to go (Travis scott - SKElETON) I might be flooded with my memories 也許我會被如風往事湮沒 Elementary wasnt meant for me 也許繁文縟節本就非為我量身定做 (Tupac - Dear Lord) No more alcohol or Hennessy 再無熏煙,烈酒 Cause im gon headed for the penitentiary 縱意揮霍無常
Oh Lord plz show me da road im on 主,請為我明示開拓的路, If I cant hold my own 若我四處碰壁,無處可投 I wonda what destiny meant to me 始終在尋覓,尋覓著終南捷徑,天定命數 All I feel is the choke at the throat 而唯一所感卻偏偏是如鯁在喉 Sweat on the skin, exhausted to the bones 揮汗成雨精疲力竭 Would u get me there or would u get me to my home 主,將會把我帶到烏托邦,伊甸園,或是我的歸宿? And what is home to me 何謂歸宿? Rolling to the abyss gloomy cold and deep 墜入深淵?陰冷凜冽的極寒之谷? 切膚之痛你是否承受得起 且安心順受結局可不由得你
我只管切大步流星漫步我寬窄路ye 我不關心我跟你嘞定位標準般配不 說得難聽你我都心知肚明安會如此 這波重頭戲也水到渠成是時候該揭幕 是心有猛虎細嗅薔薇不求你看得出 都說你搞得歪門邪道不務正業能不能填飽肚子 在半夜三更寫好這段默默握到microphone 錄製 錄製這是我的故事 Its my story UTOPIA 2020 to 2021
Try it if it feels right Try it if it... If U feel right. UTOPIA