- Alan Jackson Sweet Hour Of Prayer 歌詞
- Alan Jackson
- Sweet hour of prayer!
禱告良辰, sweet hour of prayer! 禱告良辰, that calls me from a world of care, 召我離開世事操心,
引我到父施恩寶座, and bids me at my Fathers throne 將我心願向父說明。 make all my wants and wishes known. 每逢痛苦憂愁時節,
我靈得遇安慰救拯; In seasons of distress and grief, 未落試探所張羅網,
全虧有此禱告良辰。 my soul has often found relief, 禱告良辰,
禱告良辰, and oft escaped the tempters snare 何等快樂!何等歡欣! by Thy return, sweet hour of prayer! 世界多少火熱之心,
盼望良辰時刻再臨! Sweet hour of prayer! 今向救主顯示之處,
我眾信者努力前奔, sweet hour of prayer! 奔到主前虔誠侍立, the joys I feel, the bliss I share 靜候再逢禱告良辰。
禱告良辰,禱告良辰, of those whose anxious spirits burn 靜候再逢禱告良辰。 (阿們) with strong desires for Thy return!
With such I hasten to the place where God my Savior shows His face,
and gladly take my station there , and wait for Thee, sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! and wait for Thee, Sweet hour of prayer!