- Meggie York not today 歌詞
- Meggie York
- Lying down and looking up at me
你迎面躺下端詳著我的面龐 Told me I'm the prettiest thing that you've ever seen 親暱的說著我是你見過最為美麗的生靈 Plan the future write down to the moment 將為未來做的規劃寫於紙上 Perfect days until you screw me over 在你惹怒我之前這陽光是多麼的美好明媚 And I drive alone 所以我一意孤行 Thinking about all the time that we had spent 腦中迴盪起我們相伴時的點點滴滴 Just starts dreaming how 我做起黃粱美夢來 We could start over in one hundred percent 多麼希望我們能夠再度火力全開 Babe one day 寶貝啊有朝一日 Maybe I'll see 或許我能夠透過重重迷霧 Cause you wait for me 看清你等待著我的身影 Under water 水面之下 And I'm trying to swim 我掙扎著游動 If you feel stronger 若是你感到自己已足夠強大 And I'm trying to run away from you 我想也許我會打消離你遠去的念頭 Trying to run away with you 我會嘗試著與你一同走遍天涯海角 Trying to think that we were gonna be OK 嘗試著奉勸自己我們終會安然無恙 But I guess not today 但我想這時間必定不是今日 Desperate times call for desperate measures 絕望之時處理起事情的步調也變得拖沓 Can't believe I used to think we'd be better together 無法相信我從前竟會認為我們會是兩情相悅 Get advice we never seem to listen 一股腦的接受下那些我們從不予理會的建議 But if it comes back begging for me I should just forget it 但若是它回來奔向我我仍會決絕的離開 And I drive alone 所以我一意孤行 Thinking about all the time that we had spent 腦中迴盪起我們相伴時的點點滴滴 Just starts dreaming how 我做起黃粱美夢來 We could start over in one hundred percent 多麼希望我們能夠再度火力全開 Babe one day 寶貝啊有朝一日 Maybe I'll see 或許我能夠透過重重迷霧 Cause you wait for me 看清你等待著我的身影 Under water 水面之下 And I'm trying to swim 我掙扎著游動 If you feel stronger 若是你感到自己已足夠強大 And I'm trying to run away from you 我想也許我會打消離你遠去的念頭 Trying to run away with you 我會嘗試著與你一同走遍天涯海角 Trying to think that we were gonna be OK 嘗試著奉勸自己我們終會安然無恙 But I guess not today 但我想這時間必定不是今日 Under water 水面之下 And I'm trying to swim 我掙扎著游動 If you feel stronger 若是你感到自己已足夠強大 And I'm trying to run away from you 我想也許我會打消離你遠去的念頭 Trying to run away with you 我會嘗試著與你一同走遍天涯海角 Trying to think that we were gonna be OK 嘗試著奉勸自己我們終會安然無恙 But I guess not today 但我想今天還是讓我們暫且先放下這個念頭