- Peniel Farewell 歌詞
- KO Peniel
- Kairos:Kairos, K.O, Peniel, KMG
我們有一些話要說 Yo we got something to say 開始吧 Here we go 我是否真的是在移動著 Move already I ain't really 要你說謊你還沒有準備好 Wanted you to lie you ain't ready 我總是很忙因為我在往死裡嘗試 Always busy cause I'mma try then die 我最近很好,我還有大好時光 Lately I'm alright I'mma good time 我打電話給你 I'mma call your line 告別了便不會再想起任何人 Farewell doesn't have to be Well miss nobody 去往擂台上準備戰鬥 K.O:Going in the ring, battle ready 已準備好將他們全部擊倒 Gonna knock them out 與他們來說鐵籠太過沉重 With them bars so heavy 而我將要關上它們 Gonna shut them down 要把你活埋在這地下,因為我將掌控這個小鎮 Underground, get you buried alive cause I run this 我可以隨時讓你出局 town I can take you out 只是通過麥克風,我就可以讓你出界 Just pass the mic I'll put you out of bounds 哈希望還在忙碌的你準備好了 KMG in the building hope you ready now 我隨隨便便、單槍匹馬就可以造成人員傷亡 I'm casually, causing casualties single handedly 叫我Randy Moss(傳奇美式橄欖球運動員) Call me Randy Moss 每次當我在賽道上 Every track that I'm on, 都能順利接地,而你則輸了 It's touch Down and you just lost 擊中本壘打就像Barry Bonds(美國職業棒球運動員) Hitting home runs I'm like Barry Bonds 擊打它們就像Larry Holmes(國際拳擊聯合會掌門人) Knocking them out like Larry Holmes 當你聽到這首歌時也許你會承受不了 Causing overdose when you play this song 教化自己的仇敵像Lebron一樣(美國男子職業籃球運動員) Schooling them haters like I'm Lebron 告別幫了我的忙 Kairos:Uh Farewell get me help 我是一部生病的電話,電池都已經沒電了 I'm ill telephone dead from my cell 切換它的出路,重新開機 Switch it up in the way it play out 我即將爆發 I'm about to break out 將你突然驚醒 Make you pop and wake up Uh! 告別了但不會太久 Peniel:Farewell, but notfor too long 別擔心,我們馬上就會回來 Don't worry we'll be right back at it uh 我知道在歌的結束 I know by the end of the song 你會希望得到更多你會上癮 You'll want more you'll be an addict Kairos和K.O(和Peniel一起寫歌的)我們正變得富有 Kairos and K.O we be getting guap boy 你甚至碰不到我們,我們不會被阻擋 You can't even touch us we're not gonna stop boy 第一個混音是在一個小房子裡錄的 First mixtape recorded inside of a room 但它仍然優於 But it's still better than 現在專輯的一半 Half of the albums out now boy 我現在完成了,但我會回來的 Uh, I'm done for now (woo) but I'll be back boy 嘿,不用擔心任何事情 Hey don't worry about a thang 要有一顆強心臟 Don't get a cardiac boy 我們出來了,冷靜下來,局末平分了 We out, chill out, deuces up, 和平收尾這就是我們現在做的 Peace out we done for now 但是,我們要捲土重來 But we're gonna comeback 相比之前更加努力 Harder than before blowout 我是否真的是在移動著 Kairos:Move already I ain't really 要你說謊你還沒有準備好 Wanted you to lie you ain't ready 我總是很忙因為我在往死裡嘗試 Always busy cause I'mma try then die 我最近很好,我還有大好時光 Lately I'm alright I'mma good time 我打電話給你 I'mma call your line 告別了便不會再想起任何人 Farewell doesn't have to be Well miss nobody 我正觀察著奔馳的流行趨勢 I be looking Benz trend tho 但我還一直在做料理 I been cooking up bread dough 金剛對我來說不算什麼 King kong got nothing on me 我的速度是4G 我得到了4把鑰匙 My speed 4G I got 4 keys all these Uh! 住在洛杉磯 Living up in LA 在晉提供代客的地方開車 Take a ride on the 5 only valet Uh 說你是個大孩子 Said that you a big kid 出其不意地擊中你 Hit you with a quick shift 使得地球都四分五裂 making earthquake split woo! 帶上你最好的手提箱 Bring your suitcase best boy! 所有關於工作的事都靠邊 All about that bizzneh boy! 靈活性算不上體操運動員 Flexin but no gymnast boy! 所有關於工作的事都等一下 All about that biz! Wait a minute 聽我說 Listen to what I say 沙沙的上班路你的脆關節 Swish-up, wrist motion Bruh! 每一天都是周末 Everyday's a weekend 讓我們一起見證 Get-me, a witness Yuh! 告別幫了我的忙 Uh Farewell get me help 我是一部生病的電話,電池都已經沒電了 I'm ill telephone dead from my cell 切換它的出路,重新開機 Switch it up in the way it play out 我即將爆發 I'm about to break out 將你突然驚醒 Make you pop and wake up Uh! 我是否真的是在移動著 Move already I ain't really 要你說謊你還沒有準備好 Wanted you to lie you ain't ready 我總是很忙因為我在往死裡嘗試 Always busy cause I'mma try then die 我最近很好,我還有大好時光 Lately I'm alright I'mma good time 我打電話給你 I'mma call your line 告別了便不會再想起任何人 Farewell doesn't have to be Well miss nobody 這並不是一個告別的旅行 This ain't a farewell tour 我們才剛剛開始 We're just getting started yep 對於反對者們對於仇敵們沒問題 To the haters to the foes alright