- OneRepublic Ames (Film Version) 歌詞
- OneRepublic
- Well the water trickles down the glass
鏡片下眼淚奪眶而出 The first will never be the last 這是第一次的開始並非結束 At least not here and not today 至少如今還為時尚早 The sharp sun's rays bite at my face 陽光明晃晃刺痛我面頰 And the howling wind begs me to stay 狂風懇求我留在荒野 But I really must be getting home 但我必須歸家了 It might be time for me to go 也許這就是那最合適的時機了 But that doesn't mean you have to leave 可這不意味著你該留下啊 And winter might be giving us snow 冬日雖寒風刺骨大雪紛飛 But who's to say we can't still believe 但誰說我們不可期盼春天堅信美好 The trees have all cut their hair 樹木剪斷他們的飄逸長發 They've said goodbye and left somewhere 他們要說再見了在某處默默離開 As a sea of fields greet us 然後在一片蔥鬱中再次繁茂 And push us onward 意想不到的鼓舞我們向前 We've curled up and settled in 我們已然準備好安頓一切 And in this life you can never win 或許生活總是讓你有失所望 Only hope and pray that you 但仍須保持希望 Can keep what you have 祈禱你會留住一切盼頭 Well it might be time for me to go 啊可能真的是時候遠走他鄉了 But that doesn' t mean you have to leave 這意味著你會伴我同行對吧 And winter might be giving us snow 而冬日那茫茫白雪卻寒冷凍人 But who's to say we can 't still believe 但我們仍會篤定信仰不可被摧 Our sleep will become deeper soon 很快深沉之夢會將我們包圍 More beautiful than the sun sea the moon 日月星辰海洋穹頂不及其美 That's ours and no one can take it 那心中之美景無人可見專屬你我 It might be time for me to go 許是時候出發了吧 But that doesn't mean you have to leave 這不代表你不能隨我一起 And winter might be giving us snow 而冬日來臨時白雪茫茫 But who's to say we can't still believe 誰說我們會動搖呢堅定信念繼續前行吧 Our engine will keep on turning 列車的發動機仍在轟鳴作響繼續前進吧 And the stars will smile on us 有夢想時星辰都會為你閃耀的 And even when we're torn apart 就算傷痕累累的被挫折打倒 I will not lose this love 信仰與愛使我重新站起無所畏懼