- Syence Nice Girl 歌詞
- Syence
靜默無言獨自入眠 You sleep with your silence 隨心所慾不顧一切 You act like you like it 你本盈握之璧但無人願視你若夜明之珠 No one'll buy the gold you're showing 因為 Cuz you 你囿於偽裝自我 Die for the drama 囿於那可憐的創傷 That cute little trauma 與其苟延殘喘不如放手一搏 Better to fight than lay down hoping 有些人本能拯救你卻袖手旁觀
你不願與之同流合污 Someone could save you but they won't 你寧願孑孑一人不染一塵 Hate partying on sinking boats 你在邊緣試探 You would rather keep your clothes dry 你曾親手碾碎夢想 You're pretty sharp around the edge 人海浮沉總有人散 You cut the dreams right out your head 你可不是那種好女孩 Never good at keeping friends 你在自己的世界沉淪
但我絕不會責怪你 You're not a nice girl 我也不會試圖改變你 You're in your own world 因為你就是如此特立獨行 But I won't blame you no 因為你就是這樣與眾不同 I won't try to change you no 那些你唾棄的惡人 Cuz you're not a nice girl 他們是否落荒而逃 No you're not a nice girl 帶著那個在酒吧縱樂的女子
他發誓那不過是過眼雲煙 Oh who did you dirty 孤獨本無罪 Did they leave in hurry 可你必須明白一點 With the girl from the bar 放手之時最為迷人 He swore he'd forget 有些人本能拯救你卻袖手旁觀 There's nothing wrong with solo 你不願與之同流合污 That's something that you should know 你寧願孑孑一人不染一塵 There's beauty in the let go, just let go let go go 你在邊緣試探
你曾親手碾碎夢想 Someone could save you but they won't 人海浮沉總有人散 Hate partying on sinking boats 你可不是那種好女孩 You would rather keep your clothes dry 你在自己的世界沉淪 You're pretty sharp around the edge 但我絕不會責怪你 You cut the dreams right out your head 我也不會試圖改變你 Never good at keeping friends 因為你就是如此特立獨行
因為你就是這樣與眾不同 You're not a nice girl 你可不是那種好女孩 You're in your own world 你在自己的世界沉淪 But I won't blame you no 特立獨行與眾不同 I won't try to change you no Cuz you're not a nice girl No you're not a nice girl
You're not a nice girl You're in your own world No you're not a nice girl