- 21 Savage Runnin 歌詞
- 21 Savage
我真的很難被取悅嗎? Am I really hard to please? 也許我有些特殊需求 Perhaps I have such special needs 我不禁想我是有什麼問題嗎 I wondered what was wrong with me (intro來自Diana Ross, 1976年2月) Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, pussies (為何)我的朋友們隕落的如此輕易 My friends all fall so easily 回首第一版”野蠻模式“ 那寫照了過去的我 Called the first one Savage Mode, my mood, thats what it was (21) 2016那一整年我們過著街頭遊手好閒的生活在酒吧里惹是生非 2016, we was ridin round, beatin up niggas in the club 她只是為了錢靠近我我心知肚明 I know she around for the money 她的假裝忠誠讓我麻木無法嘗出愛情的滋味 But act like she loyal, I dont feel the love (21) 爺就是家財萬貫若在紙醉金迷中感到乏味了也許有一天會幡然醒悟吧 Im so rich, get bored might wake up 隨隨便便就買了輛車 And buy me a car just cause (On God) 她很生猛也許是下了點功夫的 Her titties is hard cause she spent a five, 我的妞讓我逐漸上頭 My bitch titties costed me a dub (21) 我的妞不是做了天價豐臀手術( BBL)就是自帶翹臀 All my bitches got VVLs, all my bitches got mud (Straight up) 不跟幫派鬥爭掛鉤戀童癖的人都該被懲處 I aint with the rap beef, Draco pedophile, 反對我的人都心驚肉跳 All of my opps get touched (Straight up) 是日常我們卻仍英姿颯爽 We never ran off no marbles, still be hoppin out cuts (Straight up) 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 一直在向前奔跑我豪車都不要了 Runnin, runnin, I leave all my cars 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 一路披襟斬棘我的那些反對者都(心驚肉跳) Runnin, runnin, all my opps be 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 無所畏懼衝鋒陷陣 Runnin, runnin, white bitch, itwas 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 只有無畏向前闖我們“野蠻人”從不言棄 Runnin, runnin, Savage never did no 你老婆專屬的衣櫃也為她準備了水煙看她大爽一把? That closet for your wife (21), that hookah for your wife (Pussy) 我致敬我的兄弟們刀狀紋身象徵兄弟們的名利(紋身靈感來源於Tony Montana 21的弟弟死後他轉移紋身至額頭以示崇高敬意) Im Slaughter Gang pussy, you know I brought my knife (21) 他在叫囂自己是黑幫老大我們卻在風馳電掣中(將他捕捉) He was talkin gangster (21), we caught him at a light (Pussy) 年輕的兄弟們自告奮勇他便獲得了贏得我們尊重的門檻(stripe表示贏得街頭的尊重) I let my young nigga do it, it was free, he wanted a stripe (On God) 我過著紙醉金迷的生活也在漆黑的洞穴裡偷偷和強盜們商議 Havin my way with the cheese, Im in the den with the thieves (On God) 她是個棘手的騷貨從她穿黑絲的方式我就能看出來 I know she ratchet, I could tell by the way that she wearin weave (21) 飛著葉子就像伊甸園中的亞當與夏娃(“zaza”代指葉子這個詞曾在聖經中出現) Smokin on za-za, this shit came out the garden with Adam and Eve (21) 坐著私人直升飛機俯瞰你們的打打殺殺 Chopper go fa-fa, shoot the barrel, pow-wow 我的兄弟們會讓你們傷的血肉模糊 Niggas tryna make yall bleed (21) 先掌摑幾下意思意思重頭戲還在後面 Got out of line, spank that baby, we have to rock him to sleep (Pussy) 這算什麼舉足輕重?給我把手槍我來教你做事 Is it a issue? Keep me a pistol, I aint finna diss you (Pussy) 別再在枕邊細語了寶貝我要派惡魔來抓你了哦 All that pillow talk, Ima have to send the boogyman to come get you 我的鍊子閃耀奪目你的妞活兒也不錯 Chain hang low like a yo-yo, your bitch ride dick like pogo 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 一直在奔跑跑到連豪車都不要 Runnin, runnin, I leave all my cars 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 無畏衝鋒反對我的人(都沒有好下場) Runnin, runnin, all my opps be 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 無所畏懼衝鋒陷陣 Runnin, runnin, white bitch, it was 奔湧向前永不停歇 Runnin, runnin, runnin, runnin 滿腔熱血向前闖我們野蠻人從不言棄 Runnin, runnin, Savage never did no 我用金錢誘惑洛杉磯網紅陪我去地下酒吧(club crucial是一個亞特蘭大地下說唱俱樂部以髒亂差出名) I bought a Hollywood bitch, the club crucial (On God) 也能在Met Gala(名流雲集的紐約大都會博物館慈善舞會)保鏢環繞 I was at the with my shooter (On God) 我們是一個很拽的幫派從不招募新兵 Slaughter Gang, Gang, we dont do recruitin (21) 你說你打算為我們效忠那你要真刀真槍的證明給我 Say you ready to catch a body, gotta prove it (Gotta prove that shit nigga) 這不再是兒戲了寶貝 Shit aint no mother****in game nigga 你那廉價的妞稀奇古怪的下頭哥們儿 With your bitch ass, wack nigga 我們是現實生活家(4L = for life) Big facts, big 4L nigga 歡迎來到我的家鄉亞特蘭大最東第6區 Big Zone 6 nigga 我們是主宰城市的力量 We run the motherfukin city nigga 你們最好跟進時事知道這是誰的天下 Yall niggas know what the **** goin on nigga 以物換物以物易物這就是生存的法則 Bod y for body nigga, money for money nigga, we skunkin everybody 別再和你那群下頭哥們儿招搖了我分分鐘辦了你 **** your crew nigga, well kill your crew 浦西浦西浦西 Pussy, pussy, pussy -製作人水印- 如果我的朋友Metro Boomin(本專製作人)不相信你我會斃了你 (If Young Metro dont trust you, Ima shoot you) 如果一切重來善惡是非是否會有變數 Are things better or worst the second time around? 但世上真的有如果嗎? (這一段verse完美銜接下一首“Glock in My Lap”) Can we really do anything more than once?