- 孤矢 we made it(remix) 歌詞
- 孤矢
- Together we made it
We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall 我出生在貧民窟我是個小人物 是否我的出生只是為了填充世界的總人數 不你可以碌碌無為但是我有我的任務 再達到目標之前我選擇一直戰鬥永不會認輸 撐住前路再難我也不會倒下 困難再煩我會統統送他們去絞架 腳下踩著hater的屍體走過了谷底和懸崖 我開始不停攀爬再不斷勘察 直到到達山頂那一刻我獨賞山腳喧嘩 Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall Forever we waited And they told us we were never going to get it But we took it on the road On the road On the road On the road On the road On the road 我在太空遨遊隨著潮流在我的時空隧道漂流 看到那個最初的我對待他我毫無保留 我告訴他現在什麼事情值得去做 到底一路曾經陪在身邊那麼多的人有誰的手才真正值得去握 選擇這條路是對的就算累了不要睡了 他人目光無所謂的信自己就對了 一覺醒來我不再煩躁 充滿能量任狂風暴 雨電閃雷鳴將我環繞 結果誰輸誰贏你會看到 Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall Forever we waited And they told us we were never going to get it But we took it on the road On the road On the road On the road On the road On the road 這是孤矢把他的故事畫滿這張圖紙 穿著他的褲子邁著他的步子依舊那麼固執沒錯我就是這麼的酷似 戰士虛偽的人只會在我的身邊看 真正的朋友才會和我一起在陣前幹 不想把光陰虛度讓自己變成一堆枯木 用每一個倒下的自己給在前行的自己鋪路 舉著說唱的旗號在藍圖上留下記號 如果可以回到過去和那個我打個密告 我會聽到未來的我告訴我現在的我才是我的依靠 Together we made it We made it even though we had our backs up against the wall Forever we waited And they told us we were never going to get it But we took it on the road On the road On the road On the road On the road On the road