- ABLE 紅包(Red Packet) 歌詞
- 編曲:Call Me G
[00:02.943] 混音:百川Rebellious [00:04.949] 母帶:百川Rebellious [00:06.692] Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 [00:27.022] [00: 26.941] Red money in my hands flap flap flap flapping 紅色鈔票的沙沙聲多麼動聽 Red money in my hands flex flex flex Flexing 紅色鈔票的魅力無可比擬 Red money in my hands flash flash flash flashing 紅色鈔票高調的光澤 Red money in my hands cash cash cash cashing 拿在手裡耀眼無比 [00:36.775] [00 :36.650] We all got the red paper with the red cover 紅色的外殼裡是紅色的鈔票 “Fu” on the cover represent red culture 紅色的鈔票有著紅色的能量 Bad luck killer make the account add some number 驅散一年的壞運氣 Lucky money energy visible red color 讓你新年財源廣進 [00:45.975] [ 00:46.154] Red money red red red packet red~ [00:46.154] Red money red red red packet red~ [00:48.653] Red money red red red packet red~ [00:50.657] Red money red red red packet red! [00:53.157] [00:55.478] [00:55.407] Peace all year around 一帆風順 Make the wheels keep spinning 二龍騰飛 Paper be around 三羊開泰 Make my girl keep spending 四季平安 Lights be surrounding 五福臨門 Make my soul keep sprinting 六六大順 Red sauce spill around 七星高照 Make my body keep Spurting 八方來財 Red element 九九同心 Make the place so stylish 十全十美 Red up and down 百事亨通 Make the bases so massive 千事吉祥 Red pocket million pounds whole year setting 萬事如意 Wish you all the best 新年快樂 Be the new year Blessing 恭喜發財 [01:14.571] [01:12.651] Red money red red red packet red~ [01:14.156] Red money red red red packet red~ [01:14.156] Red money red red red packet red~ [01:16.397] Red money red red red packet red! [01:18.649]
Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財
[01:31.150] 紅包多到壓在身上我都喘不過氣 恭喜發財讓你所有賬號同時獲利 不管大小都能帶來運氣都是心意 紅包帶給我的財氣充滿一年四季 買了輛紅色小馬當我的專屬座駕 再僱上幾個保鏢因為我的倉庫巨大 紅包給我託夢讓我能跟財神對話 我擁有的財路像是高速快的像是開掛
Red money red red red packet red~ 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red money red red red packet red~ 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red money red red red packet red~ 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red money red red red packet red! 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財
Red pocket build you relationship 紅包能夠讓你友情愛情雙豐收 Keep you in a thrill getting championship 好運連綿不請自來 Different color money in the different palaces 財源滾滾 Red money will bring you higher status 步步高升 We don't have the Fortune Cookie but the red packet 其實簽語餅(fortune cookie)並不代表中國文化 The money drop like wine poured out from the bucket 紅包才能 Red packet red light shine like it was polished 新年快樂! There ain’t sadness cuz I cut them to pieces 恭喜發財!
一年的壞運氣都要畫上句號 收集所有快樂然後開始聚寶 我們的文化要讓更多人知道 世界各地紅包都是中國製造 Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財 Red Money in the red packet 紅色鈔票恭喜你發財 Blue Money in the red packet 藍色鈔票恭喜你發財