- Red Let It Burn 歌詞
- Red
- I watch the city burn
眺望著瀕臨崩潰的都市 These dreams like ashes float away 夢想如塵埃般灰飛煙滅 Your voice I never heard 你的聲音終究未傳入我耳 Only silence 沉默無語 Where were you when our hearts were bleeding 我們心仍淌血之時你在何處 Where were you when it all crashed down 一切化為烏有之時你又在何方 Never thought that youd deceive me 欺騙我之事始料不及 Where are you now 此時此刻你在何地 How long can you stand the pain How long will you hide your face 如此撕心裂肺般的痛苦你能承受多久 How long will you be afraid 多久之後你將摘下面具 Are you afraid 多久之後你將不再畏懼 How long will you play this game 你在顫抖嗎 Will you fight or will you walk away 這場遊戲還會持續多久 How long will you let it burn 在戰鬥與逃避之間你將作何選擇 Let it burn, Let it burn 你還會讓它燃燒到何等地步 I watch the city burn 燃燒殆盡 These passions slowly smoldering A lesson never learned 眺望著瀕臨崩潰的都市 Only violence 激情之火正在緩緩燃起 Is your world just a broken promise 從未吸取過的教訓 Is your love just a drop of rain 暴虐橫行 Will we all just burn like fire 你的世界是否就像破碎的誓約 Are you still there 你的愛是否就像雨滴墜落無聲 How long can you stand the pain 我們是否將要燒毀一切 How long will you hide your face 你還依然在那嗎 How long will you be afraid Are you afraid 如此撕心裂肺般的痛苦你能承受多久 How long will you play this game 多久之後你將摘下面具 Will you fight or will you walk away 多久之後你將不再畏懼 How long will you let it burn 你在顫抖嗎 Let it burn, Let it burn 這場遊戲還會持續多久 Will you wait until it all burns down 在戰鬥與逃避之間你將作何選擇 Will you hide until it all burns down 你還會讓它燃燒到何等地步 Will it hurt when it all burns down 燃燒殆盡 Will you fight when itall burns down Will you stand when it all burns down Will you love when it all burns down 一切燒盡後你還在等待嗎 Will it end when it all burns down 一切燃燒殆儘後你還在逃避嗎 Will you just let it all burns down 一切毀滅之時還會感到痛苦嗎 How long can you stand the pain 一切都化為烏有後你會戰鬥嗎 How long will you hide your face How long will you be afraid 一切煙消雲散後你還在忍耐嗎 Are you afraid 一切灰飛煙滅後你還敢去愛嗎 How long will you play this game 一切燃盡之時就全部結束了嗎 Will you fight or will you walk away 你是否願意讓這一切就此燃盡 How long will you let it burn 如此撕心裂肺般的痛苦你能承受多久 Let it burn, Let it burn 多久之後你將摘下面具 Let it burn 多久之後你將不再畏懼 Let it burn 你在顫抖嗎 Let it burn 這場遊戲還會持續多久