- Hawk Nelson Parachute 歌詞
- Hawk Nelson
- The weight of my mistakes
此生犯錯太多, My regrets and all my shame 悔恨無數,罪孽深重, Like gravity, it's pulling me 這一切已成無法承受之重,將我狠狠拖扯, The waves keep crashing in 無心之過還是刻意為之, Things I've done and who I've been 那些我曾經做過的悔恨之事和我一直所做的犯錯之事, The gravity, it's pulling me 這一切已成無法承受之重,將我狠狠拖扯,
我正在淪陷,您會拉我一把嗎? I am falling, will You catch me? 上帝啊,我需要您來做我的救世主, God, I need You to be my rescue 我的靈魂已經支離破碎,您會拯救我嗎? I am broken, will You fix me? 上帝啊,我需要您來做我的救世主, God, I need You to be my rescue 求你做我靈魂的降落傘吧! Be my parachute 我孑然一人時的恐懼,
就像環頸之重石, The fear that I'm alone 這一切已成無法承受之重,將我狠狠拖扯, Around my neck like a stone 我一直聽聞,您是善良而又力量無窮的, And gravity, it's pulling me 而且如果我篤信於你, I've heard that You are good and You are strong 我就會被信仰的精神力量所救贖, And if I could I would believe 我正在淪陷,您會拉我一把嗎? Help me to believe 上帝啊,我需要您來做我的救世主, 'Cause I am falling, will You catch me? 我的靈魂已經支離破碎,您會拯救我嗎? God, I need You to be my rescue 上帝啊,我需要您來做我的救世主, I am broken, will You fix me? 求你做我靈魂的降落傘吧! God, I need You to be my rescue 我深深地知道我需要你來救贖我, Be my parachute 沒有人像我一樣如此地需要你,
您能此時就來救我於水火之中嗎? I know I need You to save me 您能此刻就來救我於水火之中嗎? 'Cause no one beside You 我正在淪陷,您會拉我一把嗎? Could save me now 上帝啊,我需要您來做我的救世主, Could save me now 我的靈魂已經支離破碎,您會拯救我嗎? 'Cause I am falling, will You catch me? 上帝啊,我需要您來做我的救世主, God, I need You to be my rescue 求你做我靈魂的降落傘吧!救救我吧 I am broken, will You fix me? 求你做我靈魂的降落傘吧!救救我吧 God, I need You to be my rescue... 求你拉住我不斷淪陷的靈魂吧! Bem液parachute, parachute<比如>be沒有parachute, parachute<比如>be沒有parachute<比如>