- Patrick Wolf Overture 歌詞
- Patrick Wolf
- It is wonderful
微笑背後究竟藏著什麼 What a smile can hide 迷人又費解 If the teeth shine right 聖潔的處子 And its nice and wide 他的牙齒如白瓷那樣泛著柔和的光澤 So magical 你內心埋藏的一切 All you can keep inside 有著蠱惑人的魔力 If you bury it deep 若你繼續深藏 No one can find a thing 那將無人能尋 No 不 So come on now 來吧,阿多尼斯般的少年 Open wide 向我傾訴 Open up now 敞開心扉 Dont you think its time 你不覺得應該就是現在嗎? To look back at that boy on his way to school 回首看看那個上學路上的男孩 Such a heavy heart 年輕的心靈 Such a heavy jewel 被珍寶般沉重的思想裝滿 Hiding something that one day hell sell 他所深藏的東西總有一天會被他標明價碼 Now if no one know 而現在如果無人知曉 Then no one tells a thing 那眾人依舊會沉默不語 No 不 So come on now open wide 來吧,阿多尼斯般的少年 Open up now 向我傾訴,敞開心扉 Dont you think its time 你不覺得應該就是現在嗎? Now after all these years 多年以後 You are at last opening 你終於肯向世人展現你的珍寶 Was it worth all that war just to win 它真的值得你的仰慕者們頭破血流的追求嗎? So caught up in the speed of the days 抓住飛逝的青春吧 And your sin 還有你年少時犯下的罪孽 Dont forget how the story begins 別忘了這一切因何而起 Dont forget now 至少不是現在
現在我已看清你所有的情人與宿敵 Now Im seeing all your lovers and your enemies 你曾經成為他們困惑的謎底 Been turning their keys 被他們渴望和需要 So full of need 拜倒在你膝下只為一夕享有你的珍寶 All trying to seize that jewel you keep 究竟是什麼讓你閃耀? What makes it shine 究竟是什麼讓你的珍寶閃耀? What makes it mine 我不在乎 I dont care 不 No 來吧,阿多尼斯般的少年 Just come on now 向我傾訴 Open wide 敞開心扉 Open up now 你不覺得應該就是現在嗎? Do not you think it is your time 告訴我吧,你究竟找尋到了什麼? Now what will you find 多年以後 Now after all these years 你終於肯向世人展現你的珍寶 You are at last opening 它真的值得你的仰慕者們頭破血流的追求嗎? Was it worth all that war just to win 既然這樣 Well 那就抓住飛逝的青春吧 So caught up in speed of the days 還有你年少時犯下的罪孽 And your sin 別忘了這一切因何而起 Dont forget how your story begins 別忘記 Dont forget 將我帶回吧 Take me back 在你的青春消逝之前 Take me back 帶我回到一切開始的地方 To where it begins before the speed 來吧 Come on 帶我回到 take me back 我開始一切的地方 to where I begins 在青春消逝之前 before the speed 等待你的浸沒 waiting your sink 帶我回到 take me back 我開始一切的地方 to where I begin now 那是個漂浮於雲端的烏托邦 it is a world on this world 讓我成為那個唯一如願的仰慕者吧 just to win 來吧 come on 帶我回到 Take me back 一切開始的地方 To where it begins 來吧 Come on 敞開心扉吧 Open wide 讓陽光灑進 And let some light in 讓我走進 Let it in