- Dr. John Right Place Wrong Time 歌詞
- Dr. John
- I been in the right place
我一直待在屬於我的地方 But it must have been the wrong time 但是看來我選錯日子了 Id of said the right thing 我始終口吐真言 But I must have used the wrong line 但我好像用錯了方法 I been in the right trip 我踏上了合適的旅途 But I must have used the wrong car 但我一定開錯車了 My head was in a bad place 我的腦袋彷彿不該呆在這 And Im wondering what its good for 而且我開始疑惑它真的有用嗎 I been the right place 我身處合適的地方 But it must have been the wrong time 但我不該這時出現 My head was in a place 我的腦袋曾經棲息於某處 But Im having such a good time 但如今我也度過了歡樂的時光 I been running trying to get hung up in my mind 我企圖靠一直運行讓它懸掛於腦海 Got to give myself a little talking to this time 能夠給我自己一點話語權 Just need a little brain salad surgery 只需要一副簡簡單單的唱片 Got to cure my insecurity 就得以彌補我缺乏的安全感 I been in the wrong place 我好像來錯地方了 But it must have been the right time 這卻是合適的時候 I been in the right place 我又回到了正確的地方 But it must have been the wrong song 卻放著不合時宜的歌曲 I been in the right vein 我流過恰當的靜脈 But it seems like the wrong arm 哎呀不是這條胳膊 I been in the right world 我曾存活於世 But it seems wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong 如今看來不過是大錯特錯、一錯再錯 Slipping, dodging ,sneaking 滑倒躲閃、偷偷摸摸 Creeping hiding out down the street 匍匐隱匿於街 See my life shaking with every who I meet 目送我和我愛的人一起搖擺飄忽 Refried confusion is making itself clear 不斷刷新的困惑得以自圓其說 Wonder which way do I go to get on out of here 我該走哪條路才能離開 I been in the right place 我回到了妥當的世界 But it must have been the wrong time 但還不是時候 Id have said the right thing 我信誓旦旦 But I must have used the wrong line 依舊用錯了方法 Id a took the right road 我選擇了正確的道路 But I must have took a wrong turn 但我一定拐錯了彎 Would have made the right move 縱使當初義無反顧回頭 But I made it at the wrong time 也還是不到時候 I been on the right road 我走上正路 But I must have used the wrong car 哎呀我開錯車了 My head was in a good place 我的頭腦卻無比清醒