- Sara Bareilles Hercules 歌詞
- Sara Bareilles
- I miss the days my mind would just rest quiet
那些日子裡我的心靈得以休憩,我想念它們 My imagination hadn't turned on me yet 那時我天馬行空的想像力還未曾令我癲狂 I used to let my words wax poetic 我曾為我的話語打上光鮮的油蠟外表 But it melted a puddle at my feet now 而現在它卻化作漿液滴在我的腳上 It is a calcifying crime, it's tragic 這讓我犯下食古不化之罪,悲慟不已 I've turned to petrified past life baggage 我求助於過去那些令人目瞪口呆的生活包袱 I want to disappear and just start over 我多想就這麼一走了之,然後重新開始 So here we are 所以,我們置身於此 And I'll breathe again... 我會再度煥發活力 Cause I have sent for a warrior 因為我已召喚勇士 From on my knees, make me a Hercules 讓我從跪地求饒的懦夫變身赫丘利一般的勇士吧(赫丘利——古希臘羅馬神話中的大力神和著名英雄之一,神勇無比,力大無窮,完成了12項被譽為“不可能完成”的任務) I was meant to be a warrior please 拜託,我生來注定是個勇士 Make me a Hercules 讓我像赫丘利一樣勇敢 I've lost a grip on where I started from 我失去了曾經讓我勇敢出發的控制力 I wish I'd thought ahead and left a few crumbs 我希望我可以預見未來並且布下誘人陷阱 I'm on the hunt for who I've not yet become 我將要獵取那些我未曾成就的自我 But I'd settle for little equilibrium 但一顆平靜的心靈於我已足夠 There is a war inside my heart gone silent 因為我靜謐的心中實際上早已戰火燃起 Both sides dissatisfied and somewhat violent 鬥爭雙方都怒火沖天又殘忍暴力 The issue I have now begun to see 現在我終於看清了事情的真相 I am the only lonely casualty 我才是那唯一一個孤獨的受害者 This is not the end though... 但一切還遠未結束 Cause I have sent for a warrior 因為我已為此召喚了勇士 From on my knees, make me a Hercules 讓我從跪地求饒的懦夫變身赫丘利一般的勇士吧 I was meant to be a warrior please 拜託,我生來注定是個堅毅戰士 Make me a Hercules 讓我像赫丘利一樣勇敢 Cause I have sent for a warrior 因為我已為此召喚了勇士 From on my knees, makeme a Hercules 讓我從跪地求饒的懦夫變身赫丘利一般的勇士吧 I was meant to be a warrior please 拜託,我生來注定是個勇士 Make me a Hercules 讓我變身大力神赫丘利 This is my darkest hour 這是我最艱難的時光 A long road has lead me out here 長路漫漫卻引我誤入歧途 But I only need turn around to face the light 但我如今只需轉過身便可面向光明 And decide flight or fight 並決定是遠走高飛還是戰鬥到底 Cause I have sent for a warrior 我已召喚更加勇敢的自我 From on my knees, make me a Hercules 讓我從跪地求饒的懦夫變身赫丘利一般的勇士吧 I was meant 我注定如此 Cause I have sent for a warrior 我已為此召喚了更勇敢的自我 From on my knees, make me a Hercules 讓我從跪地求饒的懦夫變身赫丘利一般的勇士吧 I was meant to be a warrior please 拜託,我生來注定是個堅毅戰士 Make me a Hercules 讓我如赫丘利那般勇敢!