- Shawn Mendes Look Up At The Stars 歌詞
- Shawn Mendes
仰望漫天繁星猶如藝術品般 Look up at the stars, theyre like pieces of art 懸浮飄飛於地面之上 Floating above the ground 現在是周五的夜晚時分 Its a Friday night 路旁街燈都呼喚著你的姓名 And the streetlights are all saying your name 輕聲呼喚著你的名字 They always say your name 在你歸家前我就應該讓你知曉 Before you go home, I should let you know 我很高興能你能來這 Im so glad that you came 即便我深知我們珊珊來遲 I know that we went late 但仰望漫天繁星 But look up at the stars 猶如藝術品般 Theyre like pieces of art 懸浮飄飛於地面之上 Floating above the ground 我深知你我能高飛遠走浩瀚宇宙皆為你我所有 You know we could fly so far, the universe is ours 我永遠都不會令你墜跌 Im not gonna let you down 我竟感到自己是如此地幸運 I am feeling so lucky (Lucky, lucky, lucky) 驕陽的光輝傾灑於我將我洗禮 The sun shining down on me (On me, on me, on me) 令聖潔天使將我環繞 Got these angels all around me 我便永遠不會孤獨寂寞 Ill never be alone 仰望漫天繁星猶如藝術品般 Look up at the stars, theyre like pieces of art 懸浮飄飛於地面之上 Floating above the ground 我深知你我能高飛遠走浩瀚宇宙皆為你我所有 You know we could fly so far, the universe is ours 我永遠都不會令你墜跌 And Im not gonna let you down 最終我們邂逅對方燈光也照亮 Finally weve met, now the lights are set 將我們牽引 Its taken us til now 直至如今你我相聚於這小城鎮 To be together in this town, yeah 數年以來我們都規劃著未來 A couple of years weve been making plans 不知為何你總能透徹讀懂我心扉 Somehow you always seem to understand 所以讓我同你沉淪仙境共度美好今宵 So let me spend the night in wonderland with you 我竟感到自己是如此地幸運 I am feeling so lucky (Lucky, lucky, lucky) 驕陽的光輝傾灑於我將我洗禮 The sun shining down on me (On me, on me, on me) 令聖潔天使將我環繞 Got these angels all around me 我便永遠不會孤獨寂寞 Ill never be alone 仰望漫天繁星猶如藝術品般 Look up at the stars, theyre like pieces of art 懸浮飄飛於地面之上 Floating above the ground 我深知你我能高飛遠走浩瀚宇宙皆為你我所有 You know we could fly so far, the universe is ours 我永遠都不會令你墜跌 And Im not gonna let you down