- Scala & Kolacny Brothers Dream On 歌詞
- Scala & Kolacny Brothers
- Can you feel a little love?
你能感受到一點愛意嗎? As your bony fingers close around me, 當你用瘦骨嶙峋的手指緊緊地摟住我時 Long and spindly death becomes me, 那漫長無盡的死亡感就逼向了我 Heaven can you see what I see, 上蒼啊你能見我所見嗎 Hey, you pale and sickly child, 嘿,雖然你是個蒼白病態的孩子 You're death and living reconciled, 你始終與我們生死與共 Been walking home a crooked mile, 走過險阻曲折的數里路才到家 Paying debt to karma, 在因果報應的業債間掙扎 You party for a living, 你把生活沉浸在派對狂歡中 What you take won't kill you but careful what you're giving, 所得之物與你無害,卻需謹慎付出之物 There's no time for hesitating, 無暇猶豫不決 Pain is ready, pain is waiting, 痛苦的煎熬正蓄勢以待 Primed to do, it's educating, 準備好了嗎,這一切都會給你教訓 Unwanted, uninvited kin, 不必要的不請自來的同族啊 It creeps beneath your crawling skin, 挫折和苦難就蠕動在你的皮膚之下 It lives without, it lives within you, 它們沒有生命,命運永遠把握在你的手裡 Feel the fever coming, 感受到灼燒的熱了嗎 You're shaking and twitching, 你顫抖著抽搐著扭曲著 You can scratch all over but that won't stop you itching, 你抓遍了全身但依舊奇癢難忍 Can you feel a little love? 你能感受到世間的一點愛意嗎 Can you feel a little love ? 那對你來說飄渺不定的愛 Dream on, dream on, 美夢繼續,美夢繼續 Blame it on your karmic curse, 你還把一切痛苦歸咎於命運的詛咒 Oh, shame upon the universe, 哦天吶,真是全宇宙最羞恥的想法 It knows its lines, it's well rehearsed, 苦難牢記著它們的台詞,它們在你的人生舞台上認真排練 It sucked you in,it dragged you down, 它們把你擊倒,把你肆意拖拽 To where there is no hallowed ground, 把你帶到沒有一方聖地的荒蕪之境 Where holiness is never found, 聖潔無處可尋 Paying debt to karma,You party for a living, 整日尋歡作樂只會讓你在因果報應的業債間掙扎 What you take won't kill you, 所得之物與你無害 but careful what you're giving, 卻需謹慎付出之物 Can you feel a little love? 你能感受到世間的一點愛意嗎 Can you feel a little love? 那對你來說飄渺不定的愛 Dream on, dream on, 美夢繼續,美夢繼續 Can you feel a little love? 你能感受到世間的一點愛意嗎 Can you feel a little love? 那幾近消失的愛 Dream on, dream on, 沉溺夢境,欲罷不能 Dream on,dream on, 美夢繼續,美夢繼續 Dream on, dream on, 醉生夢死,無路可退 Dream on, dream on. 美夢繼續,美夢繼續