- 堅持者 卻有其人 歌詞
- 堅持者
- There's not a single day that passes without you on my mind.
Not even one minute can end it before you come around. I yearn for the days when I see your face here before me. I long for the times you held me in your arms. 一個人舞會不睡 一個人宿醉胃翻湧污穢 聽世界說自己不對 在書櫃末尾信封上的土灰 It's too late 根植進骨髓的誤會欲言又止的住嘴 時間見證什麼住在心底層 多少問題有多艱深等不來清理人 順著路的延伸奔赴前程有人眼神有多虔誠 睹萬物衍生孤獨卻將一派盛世掀騰 你看不到我的夜是獨自熬過撕裂 坐沙發的一邊看黑籠罩著的一切 心事寫滿的那一頁多難啟齒的字眼 瀕臨每一次忍耐的極限循環雙相的極點 我殺不掉他躲在愛恨的交叉 發作時有多害怕像頭逃命的角馬 就停下這吵雜先別急著叫罵 聽我講完這笑話等淚幹再出發 There's not a single day that passes without you on my mind. Not even one minute can end it before you come around. I yearn for the days when I see your face here before me. I long for the times you held me in your arms. 一切都凝結將記憶拿出繪畫 畫面再傾斜圖掉那串熟悉的號碼 再撥不出的電話時間把複雜簡化 將等待擊垮貶值成廉價 直到孤獨成了倍反倒無所謂 也漸漸的學會承受世界的絕對 週末推掉了約會看光線昏暗的美 你好我是堅持等候多時在這邊已就位 是否打開這扇門就潛入了深海 在海底幾千米修補著自己的崩壞 看鯨群它們去了又來 夢驚醒辨清楚自己所在 忘掉電影對白也忘掉詩詞歌賦 忘掉刺痛的時代也忘掉那塊紅布 忘掉髮作的失態忘掉最後的孤注 忘掉能忘掉的回到羊水的最初 There's not a single day that passes without you on my mind. Not even one minute can end it before you come around. I yearn for the days when I see your face here before me. I long for the times you held me in your arms.