- 溫拿樂隊 Stars On 33 歌詞
- 溫拿樂隊
- Featuring 關楚耀/謝安琪/黃伊汶/孫耀威
Sing along with the Wynners And have some fun to night Listen to the music Dance to the Lion Rock Remember Over and Over Sha la la la just for you Oh, oh, oh listen to the (music, Oh, oh, oh listen to the music, Oh, oh, oh listen to the music, all the time. Making it, We're having it Right now we're making it sha la la la la Sha la la in the morning Woo~ sha la la la la Sha la la la la just for you Go rockin' go go rockin' Your soul's rockin' Lion Rockin' Go rockin' go go rockin' now go to pieces and i wanna hide go to pieces and i almost die everytime my baby passes by Windflowers
Windflowers My father told me not go near them He said he feared them always The changing of sunlight to moonlight 陽光到月光之間的變幻 Reflections of my life我生命的倒影 Oh, how they fill my eyes 映滿了我的雙眼 All my sorrows, sad tomorrow 我所有的煩憂,可悲的明日 Take me back to my own home 帶我回自己的家吧 All my cryings (all my cryings) 我所有的哭泣 Feel I'm dying, dying 讓我覺得自己就快死去 Take me back to my own home 帶我回自己的家吧 Band on the run Band on the run And the jailer man and Sailor Sam Were searching everyone 世界上有千百萬人使我開心一個 尋覓我的快樂尋覓我的美夢 只有你陪伴我 i will not give you riches. riches are not my wishes i ll give you the vow of my life. l-o-v-e,love...啦啦啦.... 錢錢錢直頭系親錢錢錢確係最親 錢無財無有乜水關心 無銀紙乞人憎 親朋崁扮冷匿埋怕到震 點解手牽手 令我心中無恨愁 難道大家手相牽 就會牽開心裡憂 好學為福好學為福 一息尚存書必讀實在必須讀 人全靠衣裝要人另眼相看 扮得一身光鮮身價上漲 They say I mustn't go on seeing you They say I mustn't go on dating you
But I can't help myself I can't control myself Cause I love you 此際有千重寂寞, 此際有千層空虛, 無法掀去無邊苦痛, 今日我心裡有淚。
始終都係朋友好認真將我人當寶 竭力維護為我好心操 確係挨義氣委實情義高 真誠崁扮冷出齊照顧到 個地球系圓又圓無分你後他前 佢在前頭未算前兜左圈佢重遠 同心做事情齊心就事成 拋開心裡千萬苦悶衝往深山去 捨棄心裡種種抑鬱向住夕陽追 何妨今天笑笑 明日會更妙 明日笑遍大地 萬眾盡歡笑 你又曬我又曬 剝曬衫褲剝曬鞋 搏命曬不必驚醜怪 當天你別離還留十數字 似告知春天有再會時 秋色信內藏憑紅葉暗示 常期望春天很快步至 為甚至今我未見到 至今都不碰到 我的真心似未有被帶動 為甚至今我未見到 至今我都不碰到 碰到有一個可愛的笑容
誰知我內心多苦悶因我甚覺疲倦 但到底這鬥爭沒有完想逼我改變
有誰會知我心內有極強信念 記憶中突然又痛 只因空虛再作弄 你似北風吹走我夢 就讓一切隨風 Don't say goodbye 濃情沖不淡沒法變改 Don't say goodbye 濃情沖不淡沒法變 沖不淡沒法變心中愛 朋友這一句歌代表心中友善 時間縱不再返未改心中信念 人一生匆匆三數十年 問有幾人彼此友好始終亦未變 陽光歡笑好像關心從心裡照耀 陽光歡笑陪住你願每人開心笑 加一些安慰(自然關係) 簡單也覺珍貴(沒有一點難題) 人的心最值著迷 加一些仔細(自然關係) 簡單也覺珍貴(為你解開難題) 俗世裡一切無甚麼多寶貴 能揭開每個話題 我心會說話無封閉 哪怕最冷天的冬季 原來世界怎麼變 友好的心不損 潮流混亂也不亂 大家始終勸勉 原來你我不相見 傳來問候更暖 心中至真至誠 綿綿千載此心不變 Carry on till tomorow there's no reason to look back Carry on, carry on, carry on