- Cherry Ghost Sacramento 歌詞
- Cherry Ghost
- Sacramentos half the city
在沙加緬度的正中 Since you took that job two states away 自從你去了兩個州以外的遠方工作 I count the days as I wait these tables 我就在餐館侍應的時候數著天數 Trying to save the fare to come and stay 攢著你回來時我們要用的錢 And the smiles on the outside 窗外的那些笑靨 Couldn't be further from the truth if I tried 已經離我所追求的真諦愈來愈遠 It's a fight just to survive 我們只不過是為了生存而奮鬥 Working two jobs to keep the meter alive 打兩份工,只不過是為了讓生活繼續下去
老林頓先生去世了,帶著許多人的深切慰問 Old Mr Lindon passed on his warmest regards 就去世再靠窗的那張椅子上 From the window seat 自從他的賢妻離他而去 Since his good wife took leave of this life 他早就不是從前的那個男人了 He ain't half the man he used to be 窗外那些笑靨 And the smiles on the outside 已經離他所追求的真諦愈來愈遠 Couldn't be further from the truth if he tried 還有那漫天的繁星 And the stars up in the skies 在你不在我身邊的某天,也許也會燃盡吧 May as well burn out if you ain't by my side 哦瑪麗安,瑪麗安,請你等等我 Oh Mary Ann, Mary Ann , wait for me 總有一天我會成為你的王 One day I will be your King 你也會成為我的王后 And you will be my Queen 還記得喬嗎,那個被趕走的喬
被趕到了城區邊緣的鋸木廠 Remember Joe, well they let him go 他們說他曾經的輝煌已經值得他這一生 Down at the sawmill on the edge of town 喬現在正酗酒 They say that pride can cost a man his life 窗外的笑靨 Well Joes taken to drinking now 已經離我所追求的真諦愈來愈遠 And the smiles on the outside 我們只不過是為了生存而奮鬥 Couldn't be further from the truth if they tried 打兩份工,只不過是為了讓生活繼續下去 It's a fight just to survive 哦瑪麗安,瑪麗安,請你等等我 Working two jobs to keep the meter alive 總有一天我會成為你的王 Oh Mary Ann, Mary Ann, wait for me 你也會成為我的王后 One dayI will be your King 路邊林立的橘樹 And you will be my Queen 它們不會同情我的
孩子們已長大 The orange groves that line these roads 就在你不在的時候 Ain't gonna' offer me no sympathy 窗外的笑靨 The kids have grown and they miss you so 已經離我們所追求的真諦愈來愈遠 While you've been out there making history 我們只不過是為了生存而奮鬥 And the smiles on the outside 打兩份工,只不過是為了讓生活繼續下去 Couldn't be further from the truth if we tried 哦瑪麗安,瑪麗安,請你等等我 It's a fight just to survive 總有一天我會成為你的王 Working two jobs to keep the meter alive 你也會成為我的王后 Oh Mary Ann, Mary Ann, wait for me One day I will be your King And you will be my Queen