- ROOK1E grape soda 歌詞
- At the back of our school it was like an alley
大概是我讀三年級的時候吧 And... i was like third grade 學校後面有個巷子 And theres this chick i had a crush on 就是和這個我喜歡的小姐姐 And we were waliking back there. 走到那兒 And i held her hand. 我們倆 And she kept pulling my hand 緊拉著小手 And we walked till right before we walked out of the alley 就當我快要和她走出巷子時吧 And she turned and gave me a kiss on my lips 她就(突然)轉過來身來親了我一口 And threw my hand and ran into the..into like *** recess 把我手一扔啊(害羞地)跑不見了... I was like... 我當時就... Yo 喲(不會是做夢吧千萬別醒啊) Look at (me) 看看我啊 Look at (me) 看到沒 Look at (me) 看著我 Look at (me) 與我對視著...