- shallow vera killing me 歌詞
- SMRTDEATH shallow vera
我的希望和夢想就這樣落空 There goes my hopes and dreams 為什麼你要對我說謊 Why would you lie to me 上次我見你時,你說我不太正常 Last time I saw you you said that something's wrong with me 你覺得我很開心 You think I am happy 但是親愛的,你看不到嗎 But baby can't you see 一切慢慢地分崩離析,我失去了一切 Everything slowly falls apart and i lose everything 你就是我的一切 You were my everything 給你買了一枚鑽戒 Bought you a diamond ring 接起電話,說點什麼 Ring, ring pick up your phone and just say anything 你和我肌膚相親 Your body next to me 讓我陷入迷醉 Take me to ecstasy 記得我們在車上做愛的時候 Remember when we were ******* in the driver's seat 我破碎的心需要你來修補 Broken heart needs a fix 我想你能做到 I think you'll do the trick 我時時刻刻都在想你,我的思緒正在一點點扼殺我 Think, think I think my thoughts are ******* killing me 而現在你要離我而去 And now you're not with me 這就是你要對我說的話嗎 That's what you're telling me 一槍射穿我的腦袋,讓我解脫吧 Put a bullet through my head and it'll set me free 讓我解脫吧,讓我解脫吧
我時時刻刻都在想你,該死的,這簡直讓我生不如死 It'll set me free, it' ll set me free 讓我解脫吧,讓我解脫吧 I think about you all the time and damn it's killing me 我需要有人來麻痺我的痛苦,而你就是我的解藥 It'll set me free, it'll set me free 我想起你和我一起在車裡哭泣 I need someone to numb the pain and you're my medicine 無法忘記你,終日活在一個更美好的結局裡
每次見到你,我都會回想起以前的時光 I think about you and I'm crying in the driver's seat 我需要一個打火機點煙,寶貝我已經為你著了魔 Can't get you off my mind I'm dwelling on what might have been 我真的不知道還能做什麼 Every time I see you I replay the entire scene 如果沒有你,我就像行屍走肉一樣 I need a lighter try to smoke you baby I'm a fiend 我真的不知道還能說什麼 I don't really know what's left to do 誰能將我從苦難中解脫 Feels like I can't go on if I'm not with you 為什么生活不能簡單點呢 When I don 't really know what's left to say 在清晨,在我睡眼惺忪之時 Need someone to take me out my misery 我好像還能感覺到你的呼吸
彷彿你就依偎在我的枕邊 And I don't know why it couldn't be easier In the morning when i wake up before I open my eyes It feels like I'm still breathing you It feels like I'm still breathing you