- 編曲:Wthport
孫悟飯在精神時光屋中 GOHAN in the chamber 出來後功力翻倍 came out GOHAM in the game 想要火真的也沒準 You wanna be fame but 會被我一把水全部澆滅 I'll end your career 我老婆畫畫的 My soulmate a painter 所以我同樣被庇護 That makes me strong in the paint(Shaq) 我想冠希一樣有爭議 I got the 爭議/正義like 陳sir 所以我血管中流淌著真實 I feel dat CLOT in ma vein 我進入這個遊戲 yeah I came in the game 就像是uzi I log in the game like Uzi 輕鬆把對方團滅 I do the spray 你瞅啥? Don't look at me crazy 沒人愛理你 boy you so goofy 我的兄弟都很挑剔 my chella be choosey 有自己的主意 Have their own idea 已埋下了伏筆 Already have everything set up 自以為聰明的狐狸都難以理解 You think you smart? 都被打出局 I'll win in the end 舉起手提出了問題但我不想回答 I won't answer your questions 比起我遇到的一個個困難其實也沒啥 Because it's too easy 靠外表不能把我目測 Can't judge the book by the cover 不服務我只做顧客 I'm always be the customer 閻王殿門前路過 I almost die once 他說現在還不想要讓我入座 But lord didn't let me go 不需要別人的同情 Don't show your empathy to me 征途中我的GANG全都是紅名 All my chella crazy. 引擎的轟鳴 Vroom Vroom 把離別的交響曲奏得很動聽 Sounds good 數不清公頃 Can't count the area 歐文的游泳池以後會大的像洞庭 My swimming pool will be big as a lake 虎嘯和龍鳴 Most of the things I say 讓低級的動物都沒辦法共情 Joe blow can't relate 這場遊戲中我很領先 I'm so ahead in this bitch 我在馬杰拉火之前就穿了 I been rocking dat margiala way before it is the shit 下雨之前偷走你的雨傘 I might steal your umbrella right before I make it rain 月圓之夜變身成猩猩 They got turn me to gorilla like I'm Gohan in this shit. 他們不像我做什麼都是對的 They ain't lefty like me but they ain't never make it right. 沒人敢起歹意 Nothing can set me up 因為我早實現期待 Cuz I can full-fill everything 他以為遊戲結束了但其實剛開始 He been screaming that's it? I know that's a what she said 她說歐文我還是沒法放下對你的依賴 She said she cannot forget me. 孫悟飯在精神時光屋中 GOHAN in the chamber 出來後功力翻倍 came out GOHAM in the game 想要火真的也沒準 You wanna be fame but 會被我一把水全部澆滅 I'll end your career 我老婆畫畫的 My soulmate a painter 所以我同樣被庇護 That makes me strong in the paint (Shaq) 我想冠希一樣有爭議 I got the 爭議/正義like 陳sir 所以我血管中流淌著真實 I feel dat CLOT in ma vein