- Matt Maeson Tread On Me 歌詞
- Matt Maeson
- Well I've come a long way from the trips and the shaky hands
我自旅途和顫抖的手中遠道而來 If you're looking down on me I could really give a good goddamn 如果你看低了我,我一定給你好看 Lot of miles lot of folds 長路漫漫,坷坷坎坎 I'm still finding out who I am 我還在尋覓自我的路上 Lot of miles lot of folds 前途多舛,起起伏伏 I'm still finding out who I am 我仍在找回自己的途中 And every time it's my fault somehow 可不知怎麼,永遠是我的錯 Now I know why you don't trust me now 我這才知道你無法信任我的原因 Every time it's my fault somehow 總不由分說,永遠是我的錯 Don't you tread on me 請你別踐踏我的尊嚴 I could hardly sleep so I don't 我已輾轉難眠,索性睜大眼睛 And I could hardly speak so I won't 我已訥訥難言,索性閉緊嘴巴 Don't you tread on me 你怎敢踩下我的人生 I could hardly sleep so I don't 讓我輾轉難眠只得清醒 And I could hardly speak so I won't 讓我訥訥難言只得沉默 Well I've come a long way from the tricks and the easy love 我自詭計和輕浮的愛中遠道而來 I've been stitching up my mind I've been trying not to hold that grudge 努力縫合內心,試著放下積怨 Lot of miles lot of folds 命途不順,磕磕絆絆 I'm still trying just to get back up 我還在試著振作自身 Lot of miles lot of folds 人生苦長,跌跌撞撞 I'm still trying just to get back up 我仍在努力直起腰桿 Don' t you tread on me 你怎可踐踏我的人格 I could hardly sleep so I don't 我已夜不能寐,甚至再無睡意 And I could hardly speak so I won't 我已口不能言,甚至再無談興 Don't you tread on me 你不能踩下我的奮起 I could hardly sleep so I don't 我夜不能寐,就披衣而起 And I could hardly speak so I won't 我口不能言,就沉默是金 I'm trying to live in the moment like you told me 我努力如你所說,活在當下 I'm trying to control it without giving it up 我努力駕馭當下,不自暴自棄 I'm a soldierand I'm on my feet for now 我正是屹立的軍人 I gotta live in the moment like you told me 我會去如你所說,享受現在 I gotta control it without giving it up 我會去規劃現在,不隨波逐流 I'm a soldier and I'm on my feet for now 我正是佇立的兵士 If you're looking down on me I could really give a good goddamn 如果你小視了我,我一定讓你好看 Don't you tread on me 你無法踐踏我的努力 I could hardly sleep so I don't 不過是難以入睡,我便起身出行 And I could hardly speak so I won't 不過是難以言語,我便珍詞惜句 Don't you tread on me 你無法踩下我的任何 I could hardly sleep so I don't 難以入睡讓我保持清醒 And I could hardly speak so I won't 難以言語讓我學會寂靜