- Tom MacDonald Propaganda 歌詞
- DAX Tom MacDonald
- And all I see is propaganda
我定睛一看都是虛偽的宣傳 Propaganda 肆意著吹擂 All I see is propaganda 我一眼放去都是虛偽的宣傳 Propaganda 持續的欺瞞 And all I see is propaganda 我目光所及都是虛偽的宣傳 Propaganda 虛假的作秀 And all I see is propaganda 我所見所聞都是虛偽的宣傳 Propaganda 欺騙著人們 Ooo o o... 哦哦哦哦....
United we stand divided we fall 合則存,分則亡 New Year's Eve they've been dropping the ball 新年將近他們卻在不停犯錯 In-da-pen how we denting the game we don't write to the sound applause 用筆尖遊戲我們不為虛名而寫歌 Hidden truths dotted lines, ain't neva signed, stood and remained a boss 隱藏的真相串聯成線,藏於迷霧永不揭秘 In a world that is full a Facades where if you speak you get nailed to a cross 在一個充滿“正面”的世界裡,如果你吐露真言就會被釘在十字架上審判 I won't be silent, I am outspoken 我不會沉默,我直言不諱 I am the product of pain so when you see my name 世界以痛吻我所以當你看到我的名字 Know fame could never break down a brain that is already broken 就知道名聲永遠無法摧毀一個已經崩潰的大腦 Every wound is paid devotion they fill words as I purge emotion 每一處傷口都是有回報的努力,當我試圖清除情感時它卻又洋溢在我的話裡 Scabs tear drop I hits that bleed lies from demonic omens 我的血痂與眼淚這是惡魔的預兆 The system decides we spend we buy while most of our time is spent in bed 這個系統決定了我們大部分時間都是在床上消磨時光 The dreams we have all stay inside we sleep and wake then live with regret 我們所有的夢想都留在睡夢裡,夢醒空留悔恨 The price of life is half the cost the price of fame could cost you head 名譽的價值高出你這條命兩倍不止,讓你不惜一切不顧性命 If infamy is Watchu seek and propagandas why you spread 如果你追尋的是惡名或許那解釋了你為何廣泛宣傳
And all I see is propaganda 我定睛一看都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 肆意著吹擂 Andall I see is propaganda 我一眼放去都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 持續的欺瞞 And all I see is propaganda 我目光所及都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 虛假的作秀 And all I see is propaganda 我所見所聞都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 欺騙著人們 Ooo o o... 哦哦哦哦....
Look what they did 看看他們做了什麼 Indoctrinated 強行灌輸思想 They convince us all that everything we say is racist 他們讓我們相信我們所說的一切都是種族主義 And blood will change it 而鮮血會改變一切 That's what happens 那將必然發生 Y'all need balance 你們都需要平衡 Y'all need blacks and whites and lefts and rights to stop the madness 你們需要黑白左右來停止這瘋狂的行為 They planned it ( They did) 他們計劃好了(他們確實計劃好了) It's Trump or Biden 是Trump或是Biden We all been divided right in the streets 我們在大街上就被分裂了 Elections have always been rigged I ain't surprised if somebody cheats 選舉總是被操縱,如果有人作弊,我一點也不驚訝 All I see is pentagrams of the propaganda 我看到的都是形形色色的宣傳與吹擂 But our priority's a vaccine 但我們急需疫苗 It ain't for wolves to find the flock when the sheep are fast asleep 羊群熟睡時狼群連根羊毛也休想找到 To many people lack character 太多人他們缺乏個性 To many journalists scaring ya 太多的新聞記者他們在嚇唬你呢 To many pencils attempting to rewrite the constitution 太多人試圖改寫憲法 They probably gon tear it up 他們或許會將它撕個粉碎 I love the country but I don't trust the people taking care of us 我愛這個國家,但不信任照顧我們的人 We went to bed with the American dream 我們懷著美國夢入睡 We woke up in Nightmerica 卻在黑暗的美國驚醒
And all I see is propaganda 我定睛一看都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 肆意著吹擂 All I see is propaganda 我一眼放去都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 持續的欺瞞 And all I see is propaganda 我目光所及都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 虛假的作秀 And all I see is propaganda 我所見所聞都是虛假的宣傳 Propaganda 欺騙著人們 Ooo o o... 哦..哦哦哦....