- Izzy shi嗎 - U她 (English version) 歌詞
- Izzy
- Diego - The Flowers That We Held Diego-
我們緊握的那支花 Distant Winds Sigh Beneath The Clouds 遙遠的風將在雲彩下嘆息 Diego - The Flowers That We Lost Diego - 我們丟失的那支花 Distant Winds Call Upon A Storm 遙遠的風呼喚一場風暴 I Embrace My Sorrow Deep Within 我緊緊擁抱我深切的悲傷 Like The Waves Across The Ocean Shore 像海浪深深越過海岸一般 Uuji Where We First Met Uuji 我們第一次相遇的地方 In A Forest Green And Gold 是在一個金色和綠色交彙的森林裡 Now I Stand Beneath The Tree 現在,我佇立樹下 Where I Cried My Last Farewell 為我最後的告別哭泣 Shima Uta My Island Ride The Wind Shima Uta 我的島嶼乘著風 Across The Ocean Waves 越過海浪 Shima Uta My Island Ride The Wind Shima Uta 我的島嶼乘著風 Delivering My Tears Across The Ocean Waves 帶著我的眼淚,越過海浪 Diego - The Flowers Gently Sway Diego - 輕輕搖擺的花朵 Gently Fall and Ripple In The Breeze 輕輕落下,就像在微風中蕩漾一般 Time Goes By My Dream Of Happiness 時光流逝,我的幸福夢想 Drifts Away Petals Floating On The Sea 漸行漸遠,像是飄零在海上的花瓣一樣 Uuji Where We First Sang Uuji 我們第一次歌唱的地方 In A Forest Green And Gold 是在一個金色和綠色交彙的森林裡 Now I Stand Beneath The Tree 現在,我佇立樹下 Where I Cried My Last Farewell 為我左後的離別哭泣 Shima Uta My Island Ride The WindShima Uta 我的島嶼乘著風 Together Fly Like Birds 像鳥一樣飛翔 Across The Ocean Waves 越過海浪 Shima Uta My Island Ride The WindShima Uta 我的島嶼乘著風 Delivering My Tears Across The Ocean Waves 帶著我的眼淚,越過海浪 Shima Uta My Island Ride The Wind Shima Uta 我的島嶼乘著風 Delivering My Love Across The Ocean Waves 帶著我的愛,越過海浪