- Hollow Coves when we were young 歌詞
- Hollow Coves
- 製作人: Chris Bond
抬頭視日消磨時光 We took time to see the sun 飛奔著越過小河 Crossing rivers as we'd run 在泥濘的湖邊追逐鳥兒 Chasing birds down by the lake in the mud 樹上是我們曾經的王國 We would climb up in the trees 樹叢中漫布我們的歡聲笑語 Up high among the leaves 年輕時的無憂無慮 We were wild and we were free when we were young 何奈我們的時代已漸逝去 But now we're older 野心勃勃熱血沸騰 And we feel the world at our feet 時間推波助瀾我們飄渺世間 As time turns we drift away 盼望著青春重返 Wish we were young again 故地重遊重返屬於我們的土地 We built castles in the sand 以征服者的身份昂首挺胸 Felt like emperors of the land 築起高牆守衛我們的榮耀 Making walls to stop the waves from coming up 樂在其中矣 We found joy in little things 如同飛速閃過的幻燈片剪影 Like imaginary scenes 漫是我們年輕時的戰績 Oh I miss the way we were when we were young 逝者如斯夫,不捨晝夜 But now we're older 曾經的雄姿英發 And we feel the world at our feet 淪落至今日飄零 As time turns we drift away 光陰似箭日夜如梭 And oh how time flies 終會意識到那些早已迷忘的夢 Then you realize forgotten dreams 早被遺失於漫長的人生路途中 Got lost along the way 望時光倒流之荳蔻青春 Wish we were young again 望時光倒流至風華正茂 Wish we were young again 人生路尚長矣 But there's still so much to see in this life in front of me 如尚未翻開的書冊 Like pages of a book still unturned 我們可以跨越層層難關 We could sail the seven seas 甚至建立起自己的小家 Even raise a family 年輕時的幻想無憂無慮天馬行空 We could dream just like we did when we were young 光陰已逝不再复返 'Cause now we're older 腳下的土地見證我們的榮耀 And we feel the world at our feet 歲月流逝天道輪迴 As time turns we drift away 歲去弦吐箭 And oh how time flies 那些已遺忘的夢想 Then you realise forgotten dreams 早已遺失在生活的小徑中 Got lost along the way 願光陰重返 Wish we were young again 願青春重駐 Wish we were young again