- Kari Jobe We Are 歌詞
- Kari Jobe
- Every secret, every shame
每個秘密,每次羞愧 Every fear, every pain 每道恐懼,每處傷痛 Live inside the dark 生活在黑暗中 But that's not who we are 但這並不是我們 We are children of the day 我們是黎明之子
沉睡的人醒來吧,抬起頭 So wake up sleeper, lift your head 我們生命的意義不止這些 We were meant for more than this 戰勝陰影,征服死亡 Fight the shadows conquer death 好好珍惜我們餘生的時光 Make the most of the time we have left 我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們是山巔之城 We are the city on a hill 我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們要,我們要讓光芒照耀 We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們是山巔之城 We are the city on a hill 我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們要,我們要讓光芒照耀 We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 讓光芒照耀,讓光芒照耀 Let the light shine, let the light shine 我們被呼召前往傳播福音
告訴世界簡明的真理 We are called to the spread the news 耶穌降世拯救,在祂名里有自由 Tell the world the simple truth 那就讓祂的愛突破重圍 Jesus came to save, there's freedom in His Name 我們是世界的光 So let His love break through 我們是山巔之城 We are the light of the world 我們是世界的光 We are the city on a hill 我們要,我們要讓光芒照耀 We are the light of the world 我們是世界的光 We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 我們是山巔之城 We are the light of the world 我們是世界的光 We are the city on a hill 我們要,我們要讓光芒照耀 We are the light of the world 我們是光芒 We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 我們是光芒 We are the light 我們是光芒 We are the light 讓祢的光芒更加光亮 We are the light 我們是光芒 So let Your light shine brighter 我們是光芒 We are the light 我們是光芒 We are the light 主耶穌 We are the light 祢就是亮光 Jesus 祢就是亮光 You are the light 祢就是亮光 You are the light 我們願高祢 You are the light 閃耀閃耀閃耀 We will lift You higher 我們是世界的光 Shine shine shine 我們是山巔之城
我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們要,我們要讓光芒照耀 We are the city on a hill 我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們是山巔之城 We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 我們是世界的光 We are the light of the world 我們要,我們要讓光芒照耀 We are the city on a hill 我們要閃耀 We are the light of the world 我們要閃耀(讓光芒閃耀) We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine 我們要閃耀 We gotta shine 我們要閃耀(讓光芒閃耀) We gotta shine (So let the light shine) 我們要閃耀(讓光芒閃耀) We gotta shine We gotta shine (Let the light shine) We gotta shine (Let the light shine)