- 西原健一郎 my love my life 歌詞
- 西原健一郎
- Verse 1: Steph Pockets
I write rhymes to pass the time and let my mind unwind 不惜投入大把時間作詞,大腦沉浸其中享樂 Staying focused on the goal, never light behind 雙眼緊盯前面目標,從不鬆懈 Don't want the glamour or glitz but we all want to shine 不必借助華麗的衣裳或是珍貴的首飾仍舊艷壓群芳 And for the money and fame see we standing in line 名利也不過是我前進旅途中的附加品 We all want just to get a little recognition 我們都想得到世人的注目 Stepping up so we could be amongst the competition 不停向上攀登,讓我們也有資格站上這擂台 Reloading up treat these words like ammunition 不斷改進讓詞句飽滿有感,正如給手上的鋼槍上彈 Broken up thinkin back to all them things we missing 回頭望去憶起征途中錯過的大事小事 I listen more because back then I didn't pay attention 我現在的努力旨在彌補我的過往 The entry be telling lies like a politician 場上人們的話語亦如萬眾矚目台上政客的花言巧語 Learn the lesson separate the fact from the fiction 從小說中找尋著現實,吸取教訓 Subtract the negative sorta like a mathematician 將負面情緒一併消除,正如數學家不斷求證得出的最優解 Another mission making moves in an Autobahn 跟著Autobahn節奏肆意舞動亦是我的宗旨 Making moves staying focused before we outta time 時間耗盡前,即便身體隨音樂舞動,目光卻從未偏離分毫 And even when it seems I 'm slipping it's still on my mind 儘管我好似快跌倒,可仍然時刻注意 At the bottom of the latter so we gotta grind 在這不眠之夜的尾聲,我們都已精疲力盡 Hook: Steph Pockets Gimme one for the DJ, gimme two for the mic 其一將dj暢響,其二便是將麥克交到我手上 My love my life, everything gonna be alright 我熱愛的便是我的生活 Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright 沉舟側畔千帆過 Gimme one for tomorrow and two for the night 其一明天依舊照常到來,其二午夜仍舊縱樂 My love my life, everything gonna be alright 我熱愛的便是我的生活 Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright 病樹前頭萬木春 Verse 2: Steph Pockets Dig into graffiti writers fade the wall was higher 苦心鑽研塗鴉的藝術家也苦於牆的高度 Thinkin back to the dreams I seen as a minor 回想起那時的夢想,猶如明鏡般 Thinkin back to them days I seen way were brighter 憶起同他們在一起的日子,前路依然明亮通透 Thinkin back to them nights when this would take us higher 同他們在一起的夜晚,我們仍然引吭高歌 At my air bring the brither DJ ain't the breck a to 在我的氣場下兄弟們伴著Dj歡樂 My party hope the DJ play a brake to 我的party上希望奏起brake to At the party dreaming all the things I wanted to do 在party上幻想我所期望的事都能成真 Looking at my life all my dreams are coming true 腳踏實地一步一步,我的夢想便會一個一個成真 Looking at my life years later but I'm focused 儘管我起步稍晚,但我依舊毫不鬆懈 Giving strength to the ones that still be feeling hopeless 向感到希望渺茫的他人伸出援手 Giving strength to myself sometimes I feel the same 覺得無望時,鼓舞自己不要輕言放棄 I watch the rain water wash away the deepest pain 看著雨滴將心底最深處的苦楚沖刷 Music is to blame hip hop call it by it's name 音樂便是罪魁禍首,心中的熱愛依然不變 Know that it's together still together even as it change 無論怎樣變化,兩者仍然緊緊捆綁在一起 It's all my change maybe like a wedding ring 我的所有變化就如婚戒般意味永恆 See you are dedicated even when I change my name 即便我更名改姓,看到你依然全身奉獻亦頗有感觸 Hook: Steph Pockets Gimme one for the DJ, gimme two for the mic 其一將dj暢響,其二便是將麥克交到我手上 My love my life, everything gonna be alright 我熱愛的便是我的生活 Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright 沉舟側畔千帆過 Gimme one for tomorrow and two for the night 其一明天依舊照常到來,其二午夜仍舊縱樂 My love my life,everything gonna be alright 我熱愛的便是我的生活 Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright 病樹前頭萬木春 Verse 3: Steph Pockets When will it be my chance, when will it be my turn? 何時才能輪到我大顯身手? I wanna touch the sky, before I crash and burn 想要在粉身碎骨前觸碰到天空 I wanna live without regrets, I wanna make it happen 不想讓接下來的道路還留有遺憾 I wanna make em dance tonight, I wanna keep em clapping 讓他們今晚在此載歌載舞,掌聲不斷 And through this song I wanna turn the crying into some laughing 通過這首歌所要傳遞的,將頹唐悲涼變為歡聲笑語 We laugh and giggle like we used to back when we was little 我們就如小時候般無知無畏傻笑 The world is mine until I pass until I lose my mind 在我失去理智前,世界仍然盡在掌控 The world is mine and I ain't never gonna let it go 絕不會讓它就這麼從我手中溜走 Even though sometimes, it don't want me here 即便有時世間沒有我的容身之所 I hold onto the memories and then they keep me here 緊握過往的回憶,藉此堅持屹立 Wanted to get this here, and plus the melody 想要站上舞台,讓旋律蓋過一切 Burn the track, yeah I'm guilty of a felony 身負重罪,將過往的痕跡燒淨 This is a better me, they ain't get the best of me 我同過去已經截然不同,能超過我的只有我自己 Working hard making moves, change my destiny 當下每一步都留下腳印,將自我的命運改寫 Working hard having fun, music's my heart 揮灑努力的汗水對我是一種享受,音樂就是我的心臟 Never turning back, hip hop I loved you from the start 一步也不退縮,hiphop你是我從始至終的摯愛 Hook: Steph Pockets Gimme one for the DJ, gimme two for the mic 其一將dj暢響,其二便是將麥克交到我手上 My love my life, everything gonna be alright 我熱愛的便是我的生活 Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright 沉舟側畔千帆過 Gimme one for tomorrow and two for the night 其一明天依舊照常到來,其二午夜仍舊縱樂 My love my life, everything gonna be alright 我熱愛的便是我的生活 Everything gonna be alright, everything gonna be alright 病樹前頭萬木春 (x2)