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- Austin Wintory Jokes Jokes Jokes 歌詞
- Tripod Austin Wintory
- Attend the tale of Maxwell Roth,
來聽聽Maxwell Roth的故事! He sought the footlights like a moth, 他在舞台上追逐腳燈如飛蛾撲火 His sense of timing never off until, 他的時機把握從不出錯,直到— — He opted to collaborate, 他看上了一個兜帽小伙, With a hooded reprobate, 選擇與他一起合作, The Blighter and Assassin made a deadly double bill . 暴徒幫首領和刺客組成致命雙人組合 Jokes, Jokes, Jokes, 玩笑!喜劇!滑稽戲! Make 'em laugh until they choke, 讓觀眾們笑到窒息! Fairly slay them in the aisles, 站在過道上的漂亮小姐和迷人公子, Maidens fair and Princes charming. 也一視同仁絕不手軟—— Thrills, Thrills, Thrills, 刺激!興奮!戰栗! Dashing feet and bloody spills, 袖刃猛襲,血花四濺, And I guarantee you'll never see the ending coming. 我向您保證結局一定出人意料! The curtain rose the scene was set, 帷幕升起,佈景搭好, They danced a murderous duet, 他們共舞一曲死亡二重奏, And much deserving blood was let up to, 罪有應得的血液停流 The scene wherein they disagreed 演到意見分歧的那一幕, on who should live and who should bleed, 兩人誰將流血,誰將生還? And Maxwell Roth he then received, 此時Maxwell Roth得到的觀眾評論 A very bad review! 可不太樂觀。 Jokes, Jokes, Jokes, 玩笑!喜劇!滑稽戲! And there's daggers and there's cloaks, 斗篷與匕首下的陰謀背叛和勾心鬥角, But behind the scenes the leading players differ on the plot. 兩位主角在幕後對情節的設想並不一致—— Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, 笑話!笑吧!嘲笑吧! At the dandy's new red scarf, 笑這位紳士(Roth)有了新的血色領巾, Now eight shows a week to Beelzebub is his eternal lot. 每周八場為惡魔的地獄演出成了他的永恆命運! Jokes, jokes, jokes, 玩笑!喜劇!滑稽戲! Make 'em laugh until they choke, 讓觀眾們笑到窒息! Fairly slay them in the aisles, 站在過道上的漂亮小姐和迷人公子, Maidens fair and Princes charming. 也一視同仁不能放過—— Thrills, Thrills, Thrills, 刺激!興奮!戰栗! Dashing feet and bloody spills, 瀟灑的技藝伴隨血花四濺, And I guarantee you'll never see the ending coming! 我向您保證結局一定出人意料! (翻譯由Lofter@Animamuto提供,拒絕二次轉載)