- 羊毛とおはな Desperado 歌詞
- 羊毛とおはな
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 亡命之徒呵為何你如此執迷不悟 You been out ridin' fences for so long now 身處事外自閉心門 Oh, you're a hard one 噢你真是難以說服 I know that you got your reasons 但我已知曉你有著自己的理由 These things that are pleasin' you 令你欣喜之事 Can hurt you somehow 或許也暗藏刀刃 Don' you draw the queen of diamonds, boy 小伙萬萬不可抽那張方塊Q(方塊Q在這裡隱喻艷麗但實際狠毒的女人) She'll beat you if she's able 她足夠給你以沉重打擊 You know the queen of heats is always your best bet 你應該明了紅心Q才值得你放手一搏(紅心Q在這裡隱喻真心愛人) Now it seems to me 在我看來 Some fine things have been laid upon your table 上等之物早已陳列桌前 But you only want the ones that you can't get 但你仍心繫著不可能屬於你的那些 Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no youger 亡命之徒呵你的青春永不再 Your pain and your hunger 痛苦與飢餓 They're drivin' you home 叫囂著要你滾回家門 And freedom,oh freedom 自由噢所謂自由 That's some people talkin '不過為人們口中相傳的可笑玩意兒 Your prison is walking through this world all alone 而你身負罪名獨身落魄天下 Don't your feet get cold in the winter time? 冬季來臨時難道不曾感到雙腳冰涼? The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine 若天無降雪陽光消匿 It's hard to tell the night time from the day 黑夜白晝混沌一體辨別不清 You're loosin' all your highs and lows 無感無欲 Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away? 而頹廢終生豈不是可笑至極 Desperado, why don 't you come to your senses? 亡命之徒呵為何你如此執迷不悟 Come down from your fences, open the gate 卸下執著敞開心扉吧 It may be rainin '或許風雨將至 but there's a rainbow above you 但雨過天晴後終見彩虹 You better let somebody love you 擁有一份真摯感情吧 You better let somebody love you 擁有一份真摯感情吧 before it's too late 在一切還未太遲之前