- Muyoi Party Night 歌詞
- 李鞅HOOD Muyoi
- Party Night
作詞作曲:Muyoi 李鞅HOOD 後期:小衛 錄音室:野豬窩
It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night It's party night It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you waiting for you waiting for you 和我homie 坐著皮卡吹著海風 I can feeling突然出現在你夢中 不是脾氣怪也不是脾氣壞 如果比起莫悠那肯定是我最帥 不拿往事吹哦~feel good play 給我住嘴不想去東京市中心馬上起飛 真的還有誰煩我的閉上你的嘴 人生很有戲劇性但不是划水 他們總是說我的歌詞很走心 講的情話還帶著一些南普口音 我不是emo仔把事情小題大做 我怕我在舞台上都把歌詞唱錯
心情好了趕快去呼吸 一杯冰調把今天的所有都梳理 叫我一聲小李 來到屬於我的島嶼 my Charming breath 迷倒了多少個少女 我做我喜歡的事沒人能插手 遇到的話禮貌說聲hallo
海岸線的盡頭是我為你停留的碼頭 我在為你的心靈撿了一顆子彈頭
It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you waiting for you waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night and we're all waiting for you It's party night It's party night
落日的街道eyey 放窗邊的飲料yeyeye 散落的顏料yeyeye 遙控器切換頻道
過去的事情都不想提起 落日的餘暉照在我心裡 我不會再沉浸過去 又明白了活著的意義
開心的事情都讓他過去 跟著兄弟盟去開場party 開著電驢吹海風我的心事你能懂 把身體跑向空中思緒全部都放空
別再宅在家裡睡覺 或者是王者榮耀
eh 在車裡放著baet 跟著引擎freestyle 搖下車窗哼著曲緊跟著花香的味道 Let's drink up tonight Everything will be all right
四處旅行還要帶上酒 只有動力火車還不夠 不止freestyle 還要練習flow 幻想著以後大家可以 開場show