- 大方 憂心忡忡——獻給王小山的歌 歌詞
- 周雲蓬 大方
- 雲朵看透了輕
The clouds see through lightness 飛鳥放棄了風 Birds renounce the winds 行屍戴上了口罩 Walking corpses wear face-masks 如今活著叫不死,不生 And living is now called not dead nor, alive 柴米夢到墳塋 Food dreams of graves 油鹽夢到虛空 Spices dream of the void 病毒夢到鐵王座 Virus dreams of Iron Throne 從此膚色要說暗,說明 From now on, skin colors are counted only dark and, light 藍色嘲諷天空 Blue sneers at the sky 紅色鄙夷疼痛 Red has disdain for pain 黑夜將白晝流放 Night banishes the day 淚水不必落下就已,沸騰 Tears has been boiling before falling 謊言滋養眾牲 Lies nourish all the creatures 真相恩賜盲聾 Truths bless the blind and the deaf 良心剁碎了餵鷹 Chopped conscience feeds vultures 背對大海你說你,(很冷) Turning away from the sea you say you are, cold 我對這個世界憂心忡忡 I am worried and worried about the world 我對這個世界舉足輕重 In it, I am somebody 我對這個世界開始沉默 To it, I become silent 我對這個世界已經認慫 By it, I have admitted defeat 空早就不是色 Emptiness is not form since long ago 色早就不是空 And form is not emptiness 佛說我不下地獄 Buddha says I refuse to get to hell 普天下因果都是自耕,自種 Consequences are all planted and cultivated by themselves 遊子切除根莖 Wandering son cuts off his roots 暴君廢除時鐘 Tyrant abolishes the clock 言語被押上絞架 Speech gets escorted to the gallows 此後要么沉默要么,哼哼 From now on, either keep silent or just, hmmm 挪亞把船清空 Noah empties the ark 摩西越嶺獨行 Mose crosses the mountains alone 彼拉多帶貨十字架 Pilat markets crosses 聖經註我我注,聖經 The Bible comments on me, I on it. 謊言滋養眾牲 Lies nourish all the creatures 真相恩賜盲聾 Truths bless the blind and the deaf 良心剁碎了餵鷹 Chopped conscience feeds vultures 背對大海你說你,(很冷) Turning away from the sea you say you are, cold 我對這個世界憂心忡忡 I am worried and worried about the world 我對這個世界舉足輕重 In it, I am somebody 我對這個世界開始沉默 To it, I become silent 我對這個世界已經認慫 By it, I have admitted defeat 雞鴨仇視蛆蟲 Chickens and ducks hate the maggots 甲乙仇視丙丁 A and B hate C and D 肉食者仇視素食者 Meat eaters hate vegetarian 沉睡千年的仇視,喚醒 Hatred arouses after a thousand-year sleep 上帝愛上屠城 God falls in love with slaughtering 佛陀愛上殺生 Buddha falls in love with killing 螻蟻愛上了履帶 Ant falls in love with tractor crawlers 人們管這叫親情,愛情 They are called affection and, love 謊言滋養眾牲 Lies nourish all the creatures 真相恩賜盲聾 Truths bless the blind and the deaf 良心剁碎了餵鷹 Chopped conscience feeds vultures 背對大海你說你,很冷 Turning away from the sea you say you are, cold 我對這個世界憂心忡忡 I am worried and worried about the world 我對這個世界舉足輕重 In it, I am somebody 我對這個世界可以沉默 To it, I can be silent 我對這個世界已經認慫 By it, I have admitted defeat 我對這個世界憂心忡忡 I am worried and worried about the world 我對這個世界舉足輕重 In it, I am somebody 我對這個世界可以沉默 To it, I can be silent 我對這個世界已經認慫 By it, I have admitted defeat