- Marty Robbins The Master's Call 歌詞
- Marty Robbins
- When I was but a young man, I was wild and full of fire
想當初在我年輕時,我桀驁又不馴 A youth within my teens, but full of challenge and desire 正值青春大好年華,卻總好高騖遠 I ran away from home and left my mother and my dad 我拋下父母,撞破家門去外面闖蕩 I know it grieved them so to think their only boy went bad 他們因為唯一的孩子學壞了而潸然淚下,這我再清楚不過 I fell in with an outlaw band, their names were known quite well 最終我和一夥強人稱兄道弟,他們的名號無人不曉 How many times we robbed and plundered, I could never tell 剪徑劫道,敲詐勒索已成家常便飯 This kind of sinful living, leads only to a fall 這種罪惡的生活方式終將難以為繼,讓我萬劫不復 I learned that much and more the night I heard my Masters call 當那天月黑風高時,我終究聽到了我主的感召 One night we rustled cattle, a thousand head or so 一天晚上我們偷了一群牲口,千頭足有餘 And started then out on the trail that leads to Mexico 我們馬上就把它們領上了去墨西哥的路 When a norther started blowing and lightning flashed about 當北辰微亮之時,一道驚雷劈下 I thought someone was calling me, I thought I heard a shout 冥冥之中我還以為聽到了一聲呼喊,一聲召喚 Then at that moment lightning struck not twenty yards from me 接下來一道閃電劈在離我二十碼不到的地方 And left there was a giant cross where once there was a tree 片刻之後,一棵本是綠樹的十字架矗立在原地 This time I knew I heard a voice, a voice so sweet and strange 這次我清楚我聽到了一個聲音,一個柔和而陌生的聲音 A voice that came from everywhere, a voice that called my name 一個聲音從四面八方傳來,呼喚著我的名字 So frightened I was thinking of sinful deeds Id done 我想起以前犯下的種種罪行,心悸不已 I failed to see the thousand head of cattle start to run 我沒注意到的是,那千餘頭牛已經開始四散奔逃 The cattle they stampeded, were running all around 那些被蓋了章的牲口,現在正四下亂撞 My pony ran but stumbled and it threw me to the ground 我的馬駒剛要跑起卻被絆了一跤,一下讓我翻倒在地 I felt the end was near, that death would be the price 我感到終焉將至,自己將以死贖罪 When a mighty bolt of lightning showed the face of Jesus Christ 這一切在那道驚雷閃電讓我看到聖子之貌時就已註定 And I cried oh Lord forgive me, dont let it happen now 我哭著祈求主的寬恕,不要讓這一切發生的這麼快 I want to live for you alone, Oh God these words I vow 我願餘生專為您而活,我以上帝的名義發誓 My wicked past unfolded and I thought of wasted years 我過去的罪惡跑馬燈般閃過,還有那些我此前蹉跎掉的時光 When another bolt of lightning killed a hundred head of steers 這時又一道閃電打下,數百頭牛須臾斃命 And the others rushed on by me and I was left to live 其他人趕了上來,把我救起 The Master had a reason, life is his to take or give 我主自有安排,取人性命或施之與人 A miracle performed that night, I wasnt meant to die 那晚發生了一個奇蹟,我命不該絕 The dead ones formed a barricade nearly six or seven high 那些被劈死的牛擋住了其它牛的去路,堆成了足足六七尺高 And right behind it there was I, afraid but safe and sound 我恰好被擋在後面,兩股戰戰卻安然無恙 I cried in vain for mercy kneeling there upon the ground 我雙膝跪地,嚎啕大哭感謝我主慈悲 A pardon I was granted, my sinful soul set free 我充滿罪惡的靈魂得到了自由,我被赦免了 No more to fear the angry waves upon lifes stormy seas 不再需要害怕我的一葉孤舟被生活的狂風驟雨掀翻催折 Forgiven by the love of God, a love that will remain 心中只留下上帝那對世人無限的大愛,我已被主赦免 I gave my life and so that night the Saviour called my name 我將自己的姓名毫無保留地託付給他,就在我的救主呼喚我名號的那天當晚