- Fall Out Boy G.I.N.A.S.F.S. 歌詞
- Fall Out Boy
- Ive loved everything about you that hurts
我深愛著你傷害我的每件事 So let me see your moves 所以靠近我吧 Let me see your moves 讓我看看你如何回應 Lips pressed close to mine 雙唇緊緊貼合 True blue 多麼憂鬱呵 But the prince of any falling empire knows that 但每個失落的男孩都明白 Everybody wants 人人都想這樣 Everybody wants 人人渴望如此 To drive on through the night if its a drive back home 希望載著他穿梭在黑夜中駛向回家的路 Things arent the same anymore 但事與願違 Some nights it gets so bad 所有事情一團糟 You almost pick up the phone 你幾乎要接我的電話了 Trade baby blues for wide-eyed browns 用曾經的天真換來成熟 I sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house in your shoes 穿著你的舊襯衫入睡,套上你的鞋走遍房間的過道 I know its strange 我知道這很奇怪 Its a strange way of saying that I know 'Im supposed to love you' 這是向你表達愛意的一種奇怪的方式 'Im supposed to love you' 我想我應該愛著你吧 Whoa-oh-oh T^T Ive already given up on myself twice 我早已對自己自暴自棄 Third time is the charm 迷戀這種墮落 Third time is the charm 繼續下去也無妨 Threw caution to the wind but Ive got a lousy arm 把旁人的警告當耳邊風,但自己卻總是不爭氣 And Ive traced your shadows on the wall 我緊跟你投在牆上的影子 Now I kiss them whenever Im down 當我情緒低落時便親吻著他們 Whenever Im down (〒︿〒) Figured on not figuring myself out 最後無法釋懷的還是自己 Things arent the same anymore 一切都變了 Some nights it gets so bad 所有事情一團糟 I almost pick up the phone 我也差點接了電話 Trade baby blues for wide-eyed browns 用曾經的天真換來成熟 I sleep with your old shirts and walk through thishouse in your shoes 穿著你的舊襯衫入睡,套上你的鞋走遍房間的過道 I know its strange 我知道這很奇怪 Its a strange way of saying that I know 'Im supposed to love you' 這是向你表達愛意的一種奇怪的方式 'Im supposed to love you' 我想,我可能喜歡你吧 Whoa- oh-oh  ̄へ ̄ Im under a bad sign 生而籠罩於陰影之下 You saved my life 你拯救我於抑鬱之中 That night on the roof of your hotel 酒店房頂上那一晚 Cross my heart and hope to die splinter from the headboard in my eye 撫慰心靈向我起誓靜候死亡降臨目睹床頭板崩裂成碎片 Photo-proofed kisses I remember so well 相片上的吻,我記憶猶新 Trade baby blues for wide-eyed browns 用曾經的天真換來成熟 I sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house in your shoes 穿著你的舊襯衫入睡,套上你的鞋走遍房間的過道 I know its strange 我知道我很奇怪... Its a strange way of saying that I know 'Im supposed to love you' 這是向你表達愛意的一種奇怪的方式 'Im supposed to love you' 我想:“其實我很愛你” Whoa-oh-oh (╯︵╰) Whoa-oh-oh (/_\)