- Sasha Baron Cohen The Wedding 歌詞
- Sasha Baron Cohen
- Ring out the bells
鐘聲敲響 Upon this day of days! 迎來天選之日 May all the angels 祝愿所有 Of the lord above. 上帝的天使 In jubilation 普天同慶 Sing their songs of praise! 唱響讚歌 And crown this 共同祝賀 Blessed time with 這美好時光 Peace and love. 以和平與愛 The baron and baroness de Thénard 德納第男爵與夫人! Go away, Thénardier 快走開,德納第 Do you think I don't know who you are? 當我不知道你是什麼敗類? He's not fooled. Told you so 就知道他不會上你的當 Show m'sieur what you've come here to show 給這位先生看看你帶來的寶貝 Tell the boy what you know! 給這個小子講講你的故事 Pity to disturb you at a feast like this 很抱歉在這樣的盛宴上打擾你 But five hundred francs surely wouldn't come amiss. 但五百法郎的故事絕對物有所值 In god's name say what you have to say! 看在老天的份上,說吧! He speaks, you pay! 他開口,你付錢! What I saw, clear as light 我所見,分外明朗 Jean Valjean's in the sewers one night 冉阿讓那晚在下水道裡 Had this corpse on his back 背上背著一具死屍 Some boy he'd killed in a vicious attack! 一個被他殘忍殺死的少年! I was there, never fear 我就在場,毫不畏懼 Even found me this fine souvenir. 還撿到了這個“紀念品” I know this! This was mine 我記得它!這就是我的! This is surely some heavenly sign! 這是上天給我的啟示! Then it's true. Then I'm right 就知道 我沒猜錯 Jean Valjean was my savior that night! 冉阿讓是我的救命恩人! Jean Valjean, the old con 冉阿讓,那個老狐狸 You pay up or I'll say where he's gone 再加錢弄清他的下落! Where is he? 他在哪裡? The convent! 在修道院! Cosette, come with me 柯賽特,我們走