- The Rasmus Live Forever 歌詞
- The Rasmus
- [00:-2.00]The Rasmus---live forever
[00:-2.00] [00:-1.00] 是天使嗎 Was it an angel 那敲過我心門的人 That knocked on my door 還是那吹過的微風 Or was it the wind 他還睡著嗎 Was he still asleeping 沉醉於夢境 Lost in a dream 還是沉醉於你 Or was it you 我們嬉戲噴泉 We swam in the fountains 在耀眼的北極星下仰望天空 Beneath the northern stars 我們喜極而泣 We'd cry from the laughter 在彼此的臂彎中迎接死亡 And died in each others arms 記住我們永垂不朽 Remember and live forever 記住我們因愛而生 Remember to live for love 寄出的信 I got back my letters 多年以後卻送了回來 Ages ago 沒有你的地址 Your address unknown 我路過的陌生人 I past a stranger 有著你的雙眼 Who had your eyes 或者那就是你 Or was it you 我們穿越墓地 We ran through the graveyard 在無盡的黑夜裡尋找陽光 To catch the midnight sun 我們醉生夢死 We danced drunk and naked 直到夏天也匆匆流逝指隙 Until the summer was gone 記住我們永垂不朽 Remember and live forever 記住我們因愛而生 Remember to live for love 記住我們因愛而生 Remember to live for love 只因愛而生 To lïve for love